Chapter 362 The Conspiracy of Fei Zhongzhi_1

Upon hearing what had happened at the Xu Family, Yuan Huaiyi was instantly enraged.

"Damn it! Divine Tune Sect is utterly lawless, daring to run amok in my Chu City like this!"

"Don't worry, I'll contact the city patrol right away, and these people will be arrested!"

After hanging up the phone, Yuan Huaiyi immediately called the city patrol in Chu City.

"What? There's such a madman in Chu City?!"

The head of the city patrol immediately dispatched a large number of officers to Ning Fan's villa.

"All officers, take note, our targets are extremely vicious, do not restrict firearm use, and can shoot to kill if necessary!"

When the patrols arrived near the villa, the head briefed his officers.

Just at that moment, a mocking voice suddenly rang out from behind everyone.

"All the city patrols here, since you've all arrived, why not go in?"