Chapter 363: Jumping from a Plane_1

"Miss Xu is only alive now because of life support machines, and I estimate she can be maintained for... no more than 24 hours... Mr. Xu, I'm sorry, I've done all I can..."

After speaking with a heavy heart, Director Zhang left helplessly.

Xu Guoping staggered, nearly falling to the ground, and only by leaning against the wall was he able to slowly sit down in a chair.

"My daughter... my daughter..."

He looked at his daughter on the hospital bed, his face filled with grief.

Dong Xiangyu nearly fainted again but was fortunately supported by Xu Qingfeng, who was at her side.

"That damned Ning Fan! If it wasn't for him, how could my daughter have ended up like this? I'm going to kill him! I must kill him!" "I've said it before, we shouldn't have let Youyou be with him, and now because of him, my daughter is on the brink of death. Where is he? This damned Ning Fan, I will make sure he doesn't die a good death!"