Chapter 398: Trading Spiritual Liquid for Medicinal Materials_1

Xu Yourong had been seriously injured, faced death several times, and her mindset had already undergone significant changes.

Furthermore, she was not the type of woman who was prone to jealousy.

Therefore, she did not harbor any feelings of disgust towards Ning Fan's fiancées, who had not broken off their engagements.

On the contrary, some strange thoughts occasionally crossed her mind, if she died, she hoped those fiancées would take good care of Ning Fan.

Ning Fan had never spoken to Xu Yourong about her health condition or why she had managed to hold on until now.

Xu Yourong had never proactively inquired either.

But she knew her own body.

Xu Yourong had a vague feeling that she might not live much longer.

Of course, she didn't know that the only thing keeping her alive was the life force transmitted from Ning Fan.

If she knew, she probably would have run far away immediately, not allowing Ning Fan to consume his life force for her...

"Miss Xu..."