Chapter 399 Miss Hua's Reminder_1

Next, Ning Fan used the Spiritual Liquid at several other stalls and managed to trade for a few hundred-year-old Lingzhi, He Shou Wu, Snow Lotus, and other rarely seen medicinal herbs.

These old herbs were something no amount of money could buy outside.

However, the Jade Marrow Mushroom, Ice-Fire Snow Lotus, and Sea Spirit Fruit, the three types of herbs required for refining Foundation Establishment Pills, were nowhere to be found.

As Ning Fan acquired several old herbs with the Spiritual Liquid, the miraculous nature of it began to spread among a small circle at the exchange event.

In a corner, the few stall owners who had first traded herbs with Ning Fan secretly gathered together.

Among them was the stall owner named He Feng.

"This kid seems to really have a lot of Spiritual Liquid on him... With such a fat sheep right before us, do you really want to give up?"