Chapter 410: One Against Three Hundred_1

"Miss Xu, hold on to me tight."

Ning Fan wrapped his left arm around Xu Yourong, and with his right hand, he unleashed a raging torrent of Spiritual Power in one direction, sending a dozen Martial Artists in that direction flying simultaneously.

Then, he wrapped his arm around Xu Yourong and stamped his foot, the two of them rushing towards a corner of the square like the wind.

"Don't let him get away!"

"Ha ha! That Ning kid is so stupid; he's running into a dead end!"

"Everybody, stay calm. Just block the estate's gate, and he won't be able to escape. We can play a game of cat and mouse!"

The crowd followed, mocking loudly as they chased after them.

Soon, two to three hundred Martial Artists cornered Ning Fan and Xu Yourong at the edge of the estate, their aura ferocious, their killing intent sky-high.

Not a trace of shame on anyone's face.

What there was, was all greed and cruelty!

"Miss Xu, don't be afraid. As long as I don't fall, you are safe."