Chapter 411 Continuous Kills _1


The Silver Sword Scholar charged at the front, his longsword radiating a cold gleam, slashing towards Ning Fan's neck.

But the next second, the blood-drenched Ning Fan suddenly curled up the corners of his mouth, sneered coldly, "Couldn't help but come seeking death, eh?"


The Silver Sword Scholar was startled.

The next second, before he could react, Ning Fan suddenly reached out with his left hand, letting the longsword of the Silver Sword Scholar pierce his palm.


The longsword could only penetrate half an inch into the flesh before it broke with a clang.

Simultaneously, Ning Fan's right palm struck the Silver Sword Scholar's right chest.


Amidst the muffled sound, a transparent hole appeared instantly in the Silver Sword Scholar's right chest!

His body was still in place, but his heart had already flown out dozens of meters away!
