Because Ling Hua sleepwalked in the middle of the night and insisted on dragging Yan Qing back to her room to sleep together, Yan Qing, left with no choice, only requested one room for both of them when they found lodging again.
As a result, Yan Qing entered into another period of nighttime torment.
The sound of Ling Hua taking her bath behind the screen and her hazy silhouette that faintly shone through made Yan Qing feel breathless, suffocated. The fire in his heart grew stronger by the day, and neither cold water nor herbal tea provided any relief.
At night, Ling Hua insisted on cuddling in his arms to sleep, saying that the further north they went, the colder it got. She disliked the blankets in the inns, fearing how many people had used them before; her own blankets were thin, and despite doubling them up, she still felt cold. Thus, she naturally sought warmth from Yan Qing, the human furnace, sleeping soundly and peacefully until dawn.