Chapter 13 Confrontation_1

Lu Tong, supported by Yin Zheng, made her way to the Rouge Shop not far from Baoxiang Tower.

The plump proprietress of the Rouge Shop had been terrified when Lu Dashan rushed out earlier, hiding behind the shop door and witnessing the whole process. Seeing Lu Tong covered in blood now, the female proprietor felt sympathy and called someone to bring a basin of hot water, allowing the two of them to clean up in the inner room.

Yin Zheng moistened the cloth in the water and gently wiped the blood from Lu Tong's face, her voice filled with concern, "I wonder if these knife marks will leave scars..."

"It doesn't matter," Lu Tong comforted her, "the wound is not deep, a bit of medicinal powder back at the inn will do."

Yin Zheng, looking on, spoke out indignantly, "That escapee was clearly targeting the lady next to us at first. If it wasn't for her guard taking action, you wouldn't have ended up like this. Truly malicious!"