Chapter 14 New Home at the Medical Center_1

Lu Tong originally intended to switch to a different inn to stay for the night, but Du Changqing acted quickly and found them a place to settle down right away.

Yin Zheng looked up and saw the four characters "Renxin Medical Hall" above her head, her face showing shock, "Isn't this a medical hall?"

By her side, Du Changqing cleared his throat lightly, "Come in with me."

Lu Tong followed Du Changqing into the establishment.

The shop was narrow and dimly lit. It was nearing evening, and it was hard to see inside. Du Changqing lit a paper lantern and lifted the curtain to the inner room, heading straight inside.

Lu Tong and Yin Zheng followed, and upon entering the inner area, they were slightly taken aback.

Behind Renxin Medical Hall there actually was a small courtyard.

The courtyard seemed to have been uninhabited for a long time, the ground covered in a layer of dust, and corners piled with dry firewood, filling half of the yard.