Chapter 36: The Lotus Convention_1


The next day, the rain stopped.

Taking advantage of the sunshine, Yin Zheng brought out the damp bedding to air in the small courtyard. A thick line was strung under the eaves, and a once-bright rose-colored, pinch-bordered thin quilt was hung on it, sprinkling a layer of sunlight over the place and adding a few degrees of warmth to the small yard.

From outside the small window, Du Changqing glanced inside and said, "Miss Yinzhen, the courtyard is full of bedding. Make some room to dry the herbs, will you?"

As she smoothed a crease on the corner of the quilt, Yin Zheng replied, "The herbs are being aired every day, but if I don't sun these quilts soon, they'll start to mold. Besides, Shopkeeper Du," she glanced at Du Changqing, "you didn't give me my monthly wages like you did for Miss Lu and Ah Cheng, so airing the herbs isn't my responsibility either."

Du Changqing was choked up and found no words to refute Yin Zheng's remark. He left in a huff.