Chapter 35 Buried with the Dead_1

Lu Tong donned her veil and left the Zuli Tavern, with Yin Zheng greeting her from outside.

She approached Lu Tong's side and whispered, "Miss, the silver notes have all been handed over to Lord Cao."

Lu Tong nodded, "Good."

The Lord Cao of Kuaihuo Tower, originally a scoundrel by nature, had somehow found fortune and climbed into the favor of nobility, enabling him to open a gambling house on Qinghe Street in the southern part of the city.

Lord Cao started out by lending money at the gambling house and accumulating interest. With a naturally bold nature and now with a noble patron backing him, he cared little for others. When Lu Tong visited the gambling house, Lord Cao had not failed to notice Yin Zheng cheating to set up the situation, but when Lu Tong handed over the two thousand taels in silver notes that Yin Zheng had won to him, he was more than willing to do Lu Tong this favor.