Chapter 51 Ji Xun_1

The light inside the shop was dim, and fine dust floated and danced in the air.

Ah Cheng's voice came slowly from the chair.

"... The processing center is run by the Imperial Court, and all the finished medicine sold by pharmacies and medical halls in Shengjing must pass through the center's inspection."

"Previously, when selling the medicinal tea, Renxin Medical Hall clearly had the official seal from the processing center, which allowed us to sell the finished medicine on our own. But today..."

Today, people from the processing center showed up and, without a word, searched the medical hall and seized the 'Chun Shui Sheng' medicinal tea. They claimed that the recipe was incorrect and the medicine fraudulent, confiscating the official seal for selling medicinal tea from Renxin Medical Hall. From now on, Renxin Medical Hall was forbidden from selling any finished medicine.

Yin Zheng asked, "Then the injuries on Shopkeeper and Ah Cheng's faces..."