Chapter 51 Ji Xun_2

Lu Tong didn't speak.

Suddenly agitated, Du Changqing grasped Lu Tong's wrist, "Doctor Lu, you must help me!"

Lu Tong looked down, her gaze falling on his hand. Du Changqing coughed lightly, retracting his hand sheepishly, and looked at her before speaking again, "Doctor Lu, do you have a way to help me?"

Lu Tong said, "I have a way," but before Du Changqing could smile, she continued, "But why should I help you?"

Du Changqing paused, replying almost reflexively, "As friends, of course, we should have loyalty!"

Lu Tong was silent.

The tiny oil lamp, like a solidified orb of light, held the atmosphere still. Yin Zheng and Ah Cheng cautiously kept quiet, and Du Changqing eyed the person across the table, a flicker of confusion crossing his gaze.

Of all the people he knew, Lu Tong was the strangest.

As Young Master Du, who had embraced an efete life for years, surrounded by companions who, like himself, only cared about indulgence with no understanding of worldly sufferings.