Chapter 51 Ji Xun_3

She exchanged a few words with Lu Tong and then left with the Dong Family's carriage.

Du Changqing watched the carriage disappear and with a puzzled tone, said, "Whose family is that? They speak with quite the authority."

"The Dong Family of the Minister of the Imperial Treasury," she replied.

Hearing this, Du Changqing widened his eyes in surprise, "The Dong Family? The one with the consumptive youngest son? How did you get involved with them?"

Indeed, Du Changqing had been one of Shengjing's wealthy and idle young masters. He was well aware of the private secrets of the noble families.

Lu Tong looked towards the end of West Street, "If I remember correctly, the mature medicine department is under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Imperial Treasury."

A thought struck Du Changqing, "You're thinking of..."

"Bullying by taking advantage of one's position, who doesn't know how to do that?" she said softly.