Chapter 56 Xianxian_3

"The lady said that drinking the medicinal tea would slim you down, of course it could."

Du Changqing waved his hand, "However, I originally thought that only women in Shengjing cared about beauty, never expecting that men would feel the same."

Lu Tong said, "It might not be about loving beauty, after all, public opinion is to be feared." She pulled the withered pomegranate branch out from the flowerpot, "Regardless of men and women, nobody likes to be the subject of gossip behind their backs."

"You make a good point." Du Changqing nodded, watching Lu Tong, and suddenly asked, "Doctor Lu, had you made this medicinal tea before?"

Lu Tong raised her eyes.

Du Changqing touched his nose, "Otherwise, how could you be so certain of the tea's potent effects? I haven't seen you test it with anyone."

Lu Tong gathered the withered pomegranate branches together and said, "I have made it." Then she looked up, meeting the shining eyes of the three people in the room.