Chapter 57 Marshal Demands a Debt_1

No matter what, Lu Tong's recent efforts finally paid off.

"Xianxian" became famous overnight.

It was only a little over a month ago that Dai Sanlang from the East City Temple Entrance turned from a round-bellied fat man into a sturdy and valiant handsome man, attracting countless onlookers driven by curiosity. When they saw Dai Sanlang's current appearance and heard the embellished stories from Sister Song at the silk shoe shop, it was hard for Renxin Medical Hall's Xianxian not to sell well.

Every day, many people came to buy the medicine, and Du Changqing was so busy counting silver that his hands went soft; even Dai's pork from Dai Sanlang became famous, and he acquired the nickname "Pork Pan An." It was said that the queue of people going to see him extended from the head of East City Street all the way to the end of the alley.

This fame also reached the ears of Lady Dong, the Minister of Imperial Treasury's wife.