Chapter 59 Zhao Feiyan_2

Three days later, at the Fan Family Mansion in Shengjing.

The mynah bird hanging outside the side room began chattering in its cage early in the morning.

In the arbor of the small courtyard sat a woman dressed in a pale blue-green gauze gown, with elegant brows and beautiful eyes, captivating in beauty. She was the wife of the Minister of the Imperial Treasury, Old Master Dong, known as Lady Dong.

The young servant at her side presented her with tea and spoke in a low voice, "My lady, please wait a moment, our mistress will be here shortly."

Lady Dong nodded.

The patriarch of the Fan Family, Fan Zhenglian, was the current Examiner Official of the Trial Court, in the prime of his years. He had risen through the ranks extremely quickly within a few years, and consequently, his wife's status had also risen with the tide. Lady Dong was here today to deliver an invitation to Lady Fan.