Chapter 59 Zhao Feiyan_3

Zhao's maiden name was Fei Yan, yet she looked drastically different from that peerlessly beautiful woman who could dance in the palm of one's hand. Her figure was plump and full, which, coupled with her delicate beauty, suited her just right, embodying the beauty of a rounded pearl.

It was a pity that Zhao herself did not appreciate her own beauty; instead, she favored the delicate beauty of those slender as willows in the breeze.

Particularly these past few days, Fan Zhenglian had casually mentioned several times a daughter of one of his subordinates.

Zhao had seen this girl, whose appearance could not compare to her own, yet her waist was indeed slender.

Zhao stared at Lady Dong's snow-blue silk damask, and after looking for a while, she suddenly said to Lady Dong, "But, why do I feel that you've become thinner recently?"

Lady Dong was taken aback.