Chapter 62 Uncle Liu Kun_1

Upon seeing this, Zhao from the flower hall assisted Fan Zhenglian and, turning her head back with a smile, said, "This is the Resident Doctor from the medical clinic, Doctor Lu."

Fan Zhenglian nodded his head, his gaze lingering on Lu Tong's face for a moment longer.

A young and beautiful female doctor was hard to ignore.

Zhao, noticing this, pressed her forehead with her hand, pretending to be weak, "My lord, your concubine has been feeling somewhat unwell recently, so I invited Doctor Lu to come and take a look."

"Feeling unwell?" Fan Zhenglian was indeed drawn in with concern, turning his head to ask, "Is there anything specific that's uncomfortable?"

"Perhaps it's due to the hot weather..."

Zhao and Fan Zhenglian walked towards the house while, at the same time, Zhao gave Lu Tong a meaningful look.

Lu Tong understood and, after securing her medical bag, left the flower hall with the maidservant.