Chapter 62 Uncle Liu Kun_2

Lu Tong: "She's my aunt by marriage."

Yin Zheng was somewhat surprised and just about to speak when the server brought over two bowls of noodles. The fragrant aroma of the noodles diverted Yin Zheng's attention, and she instinctively remarked, "That smells delicious."

The stir-fried eel noodles were served in a deep blue enamel bowl. The bowl was large and deep, the noodles thin and springy, and strands of eel were spread across the top. A big spoonful of bright red hot oil was poured over it, releasing a pungent aroma.

Lu Tong picked up her chopsticks without saying a word.

The best noodles that Wang Chunchi made were stir-fried eel noodles.

So much time had passed that Lu Tong could barely recall the appearance and voice of this aunt by marriage—she only remembered that the stir-fried eel noodles she made were very fragrant.