Chapter 76 Little Girl Tong_2

He looked up and faintly saw a ladder gleam with golden light in the void above him, gradually shattering into pieces, like a heavy coffin lid, crashing down upon his head.

"Master, master—"

Behind him came Zhao's frightened cries.

Fan Zhenglian's eyes rolled back, and he fainted away.


After a candidate from the Zigong Academy in Shengjing committed suicide by poisoning, news came one after another.

First, it was discovered that the Assistant Minister of Rites had secretly colluded with the families of the examination candidates, shamelessly cheating on their behalf within the Tribute Court, resulting in the Assistant Minister of Rites being imprisoned. Later on, even the famous "Fan Qingtian" of Shengjing was implicated.

It was said that "Fan Qingtian," the Examiner Official of the Trial Court, was the one who conspired with the Assistant Minister of Rites, amassing wealth for himself through the autumn exams.