Chapter 76 Little Girl Tong_3

The entire family scrimped and saved, but all their savings—a total of 1,600 taels of silver—vanished without a trace. What was even more terrifying was that both Liu Zixian and Liu Zide were taken away by government officers.

The case spun out like unraveling tangled thread, and at the Tribute Court, the arrest of Liu Zide for cheating on the exam was the least of it. Even the old exam results of Liu Zixian were dug up. Rumor had it that the books in the Assistant Minister of Rites' household had been tampered with, bringing misfortune upon an untold number of families.

Liu Kun didn't care about the misfortunes of other families—he only wanted to rescue his sons.

Liu Kun had hoped to seek assistance from Fan Zhenglian at the Trial Court, after all, the matter of cheating on the exams involved Fan Zhenglian pulling the strings from behind the scenes. However, as of this afternoon, word came that Fan Zhenglian had also been taken away.