Chapter 9: A Knock on the Head!_1

Because the road was full of potholes, the bus was bouncing and hopping on its way, finally arriving at Sunflower Commune.

Song Yunuan didn't get off the bus right away, her face pale, eyes filled with disbelief.

She sat in the third row, because of the turbulence, gripping tightly the iron back of the seat in front.

But now, she had actually pinched the iron pipe of the chair back flat.

Indeed, the law of transmigration through books, has the woman with super strength arrived?

Song Yunuan's heart had just started to race when the conductor called out, "Young lady, aren't you getting off at Sunflower Commune? What are you staring at? Hurry up and get off."

Coming back to her senses, Song Yunuan quickly stood up, gave the conductor a sweet smile, "Sister, thank you for reminding me, I almost missed my stop."

At the bus door, she took a glance at the conductor's name tag and said earnestly, "I'll write a commendation letter to your company when I get home. Sister, goodbye!"

The conductor was a bit flustered.

It seemed it was the first time encountering such a situation.

A commendation letter?

The conductor pursed her lips, feeling a bit excited actually.

Song Yunuan took a deep breath of the fresh air, the buses of this era were not at all comfortable to ride in.

She looked into the distance and indeed saw Grandpa leading her little brother standing by the road, next to them was a fish basket.

The little guy ran over and hugged Song Yunuan, "Sister, you're back."

Old Man Song grinned, "Have you had lunch?"

Learning that Song Yunuan hadn't eaten, Old Man Song urged the siblings to hurry along.

He and his grandson had been waiting for a long time and were already starving; just now Asheng was salivating at the sight of the small shrimps in the fish basket.

The little hand was twitching, he truly worried that his grandson would grab a shrimp and stuff it into his mouth.

Song Yunuan glanced at her brother, touched her canvas bag, thankfully she had bought orange-flavored candy for her brother.

But now was not the time to take it out, both of their hands were dirty.


The Song family lived not far from the commune's headquarters.

Before reaching the front door, Old Man Song suddenly widened his eyes, then urgently said to Song Yunuan and Song Mingsheng, "You two go hide at your uncle's house first."

Seeing so many people in the courtyard, Song Mingsheng was startled and pulled Song Yunuan to run.

Song Yunuan didn't move but frowned and looked at the people surrounding the entrance to the Song family's courtyard; the villagers were all outside, while Old Wang's family members were actually inside the Song family's yard.

She also heard Old Woman Mrs. Wang's shouting.

"...Head of the commune, you go bring my Zhuzi back now, or else I am not leaving today."

Old Mrs. Song was so angry her face was iron blue, she cursed, "How dare you, sticking to my eldest son like this, have you no shame? What your son did was inhuman, you should be home repenting instead of daring to come out and strut around?"

"Nonsense, my Zhuzi is so kind-hearted and timid, he has been locked up for a whole night now, if you don't bring him back and something happens to him, Song Liang, I will curse you to lose all your descendants!"

Old Woman Mrs. Wang jumped up three feet high, pointing at Song Liang, her expression fiercely resentful.

Old Man Wang was standing in the yard, knocking his smoking pipe, "Song Liang, we're from the same village, you can't side with outsiders, right?"

[Old Woman Mrs. Wang is so arrogant, just because she has five sons. But her eldest and youngest sons are not even born of Old Guy Wang, they are born of Li Erlan from her maiden village. If Old Guy Wang knew about this, would they still have the leisure to come stir up trouble at my house? Hmph!]

Head of the Song Family's body shook, he coughed several times before stabilizing his mind and, without hesitation, led the siblings into the yard.

Song Yunuan stood with her angry young aunt, holding her little brother.

All eyes turned towards Song Yunuan, truly a beauty raised in the provincial city, delicate as a jasmine flower.

Old Woman Mrs. Wang's eyes flickered as she sized up Song Yunuan with ill-intent, "Old Mrs. Song, your granddaughter isn't betrothed, right? Your son took away my youngest son, causing my daughter-in-law to run away, shouldn't you compensate me with a daughter-in-law?"

Xia Guilan picked up a rock and hurled it at Old Woman Mrs. Wang, "Damn you, you old thing, bestowed with face yet want no face, I'll smash you dead!"

But she was grabbed by Song Yunuan, they absolutely couldn't afford to get physical.

Song Liang trembled with rage.

The Wang family was the bully of Erdao River Village.

They had many sons, especially the eldest and the fifth, who were tyrants and the cancer of Erdao River Village.

He had dealt with them several times, but it was barely effective.

After that, the Wang family took even less notice of him.

It was said that the Wang family had connections in the county town.

Over the years, they had committed countless minor offenses without making any major mistakes; there was really nothing he could do about them.

Wang Dazhi even said that the position of the commune head would sooner or later be in the hands of the Wang family, a comment Song Liang endured.

But now, they had the audacity to target his daughter, and Song Liang's eyes filled with ruthlessness.

Song Yunuan clenched her fists and her eyes shone brightly, a bit eager to try.

Fights were actually rather good.

You could take advantage of the chaos to land a few sneaky punches.

She hadn't expected to be pulled behind by her aunt, who also scolded Song Ting, "You hurry inside the house, and watch as I give Old Guy Wang a piece of my mind."

Soon after, Song Yunuan and Song Mingsheng were dragged by Song Ting into the nearest kitchen.

The door was closed behind them, but all three were peering out of the window.

It wasn't only the aunt who came; the second uncle was there too.

The Song family stood in a circle, none of them displaying any weakness.

Old Guy Wang felt something was amiss.

He was just trying to scare Song Liang.

To get him to go to the commune to bring back his younger son.

But why did the Song family seem like they were ready to fight to the death?

Just then, after listening to Head of the Song Family's whisper, Old Mrs. Song's eyes suddenly widened, and then she squinted, stepping forward a few paces to grab Old Woman Mrs. Wang, lowering her voice and speaking quickly, "You shameless old thing, Wang Dazhi and Zhuzi are actually the spawn of Li Erlan, you deceived Old Guy Wang into raising them, now get lost and I'll save you face, otherwise if I let this out, your old face will have nowhere to put itself!"

Her partner was right, even if they knew it was true, they couldn't say it out loud in public, what if a fight broke out in the courtyard and blood was seen? Wouldn't that bring even worse luck?

Moreover, they had no evidence.

They couldn't possibly say Little Nuan predicted it, could they?

Feudal superstition wasn't acceptable now.

No sooner had Old Mrs. Song finished speaking than Old Woman Mrs. Wang's face changed dramatically.

She looked at Old Mrs. Song in panic.

Old Mrs. Song felt a wave of relief, My goodness, it was actually true!

Tsk, tsk, tsk!

Never would have thought...

She glanced back at the sinister Old Guy Wang and cursed inwardly, serves him right to be cuckolded.

Old Guy Wang was short, and so were his second, third, and fourth sons.

But his eldest and youngest sons were both very tall.

Right now, Old Woman Mrs. Wang's head was buzzing; she felt like she couldn't even breathe.

She had already figured out how to make a scene; Old Song's family treated their newly returned daughter like a treasure, and she would publicly destroy her reputation.

If Lin Jia, that cheap wench, didn't come back, she would force Song Yunuan to marry into the Wang family, preferably after the deed was done and rice turned into cooked rice. Looking at the girl's figure, she was likely to bear a big, fat baby boy.

She had a good plan, but who would have thought Old Mrs. Song would hit her with a bolt from the blue!