Chapter 10 Helping an Enemy Seek Revenge, Is That Okay?_1

Old Woman Mrs. Wang's face was devoid of any color.

She locked eyes with Old Mrs. Song.

After a few breaths, she admitted defeat.

Dare not bet!

Old Woman Mrs. Wang, looking flustered, shoved her eldest son who was about to rush forward and start a fight with Second Son Song, "Are you stupid? Do you really want to fight them? No matter what, Song Liang is the brigade leader, and we will still need him to get your brother out. We can't afford to fall out with them now. Let's go home first, then we'll talk."

Wang Dazhi immediately took several steps back.

Mother is right.

Old Woman Mrs. Wang then said to Old Guy Wang, "We should quit while we're ahead. If we really start fighting, how will we end it? Our oldest son still needs him to be brought back, so let's go, go, go..."

Old Guy Wang glanced at his wife with suspicion.

What did Old Mrs. Song say to his own wife just now?

But Old Guy Wang didn't really want to engage in a life-or-death struggle with the Song family either.

So, seizing the opportunity to back down gracefully, he mumbled a few ambiguous words to Old Man Song, who was glaring at him furiously, and started to lead the Wang family away in a hubbub.

But Song Liang raised his voice, "Mr. Wang, wait a moment."

The Wang family had a large turnout today, with all four sons present, along with a few grandsons and three daughters-in-law.

When they heard Song Liang call out, they all stopped.

And in Old Woman Mrs. Wang's heart, there was a thump of apprehension.

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Song Liang addressed the onlookers, "Since everyone's here enjoying the show, there's no need for me to hold a separate meeting to discuss this."

Erdao River Village had over a hundred households, less than a thousand people, but here several hundred people were gathered, with even the low walls nearby occupied.

Song Liang was very dejected, feeling that he had failed miserably as a brigade leader.

Just now, when the Wang family caused trouble, not a single person stood up to defend him.

"The incident that happened at the Wang family yesterday, you all know about it. Lin Jia is an educated youth, a person from Beidu, and Wang Zhuzi was so harsh. Not only did he break her leg, but he also threw her into the pigpen. When I got there, her two daughters were tied up with ropes.

Why the kids were tied up, the Wang family didn't say, and I don't know.

These are things that all of you have seen with your own eyes, and as the brigade leader, I failed in my duties. An incident happened right under my watch, and I only found out about it so late. Therefore, this afternoon, I will go to the commune to admit my mistake to the leaders, and also, I have decided to resign. I am not suitable for this position, nor do I deserve to be the brigade leader."

The nearby crowd was stunned.

Even the Song family members were taken aback.

Song Liang looked at the Wang family, his voice icy, "Wang Zhuzi is at the commune police station. If you Wang family members are capable, go and get him yourselves. I definitely won't be involved."

Old Man Wang's expression was ugly as he muttered, "Lin Jia is my Wang family's daughter-in-law, why can't I beat her?"

Old Man Song spat out contemptuously, "Old Man Wang, how can you have the gall to say that? If you elders had treated Lin Jia properly and kept Wang Zhuzi in line, wouldn't you be living comfortably in the city by now? What, you still think this is the old society?"

Old Mrs. Song's face turned livid with anger, "If your family had behaved properly, how could my eldest son just resign like that?"

Song Liang waved his hand, "You all may leave, but Mr. Wang, remember to come to the brigade tomorrow. The food and money that your Wang family has owed the brigade team over the past few years need to be settled. I can't leave a mess for my successor."

He glanced over at Sun Zhiqing not far away.

Raising his voice, he said, "Since I became the brigade leader, I, Song Liang, haven't done a single thing to weigh on my conscience. I haven't diverted a penny to my house. I'm not afraid of audits, nor am I afraid of your reports. But if someone spreads rumors or slanders me, then I'll have to sue them."

"Don't ruin your future in a moment of anger."

"Alright, everyone, go home for lunch. Accountant Li will be in charge of the work this afternoon. Dismissed."

Song Liang finished speaking, turned around, and entered the courtyard while Second Son Song closed the gate behind him.

The onlooking villagers looked at one another, silent for a moment.

Old Guy Wang originally wanted to scold someone, but he didn't expect Song Liang actually wanted to step down as the brigade leader.

He immediately became thoughtful.

If the eldest son could become the brigade leader, the Wang family would have truly turned their fortunes around.

Especially the grains and money they owed to the brigade, they wouldn't have to pay back.

Thus, Old Guy Wang gave a signal with his eyes, and the Wang family followed him as they walked home.

He didn't notice that Old Woman Mrs. Wang was unlike her usual dispirited self.

Everyone else dispersed.

Sun Zhiqing hurried back, heart thumping loudly; it'd be better to just destroy the letter, since Song Liang dared to say it, he probably wasn't afraid of an investigation.

He had only learned about the seed grain matter that morning, which was deliberately placed at the Song family's, and everyone at the brigade headquarters knew it.

If he brought out this letter, it would be seen as slander.

As he walked faster and faster, he eventually broke into a run. Once he reached the educated youths' spot, he took out the letter and set it on fire, finally heaving a deep sigh of relief.

Then he touched his forehead, which was dripping with sweat.

The two other female educated youths were also back in the yard, talking.

"...Although Brigade Leader Song loves to play peacemaker and doesn't really handle affairs, he's selfless and quite fair. If he steps down, who would be suitable?"

"Yeah, he even got us grain, as well as delicious fish sauce and pickles, who else would care about these things?"

"If the brigade leader doesn't take charge, us three will be left to starve."

"I heard that Wang Dazhi has always wanted to replace Brigade Leader Song."

"Him? If he became the leader, the villagers would be doomed."

"Sigh, better hurry back to the city. Looking at Lin Jia's miserable condition, in case..."

"Stop talking, be careful the Wang family might overhear."

Sun Zhiqing felt a sudden jolt of panic. Brigade Leader Song promised to help him apply; what if he resigns, would the next brigade leader make life hard for him?

Sun Zhiqing clenched his hands tightly.

The Song family had all entered the house.

Before anyone could speak, a voice was heard.

"Ah! I really must take a good look at my second uncle, a delicate scholar, a primary school substitute teacher who teaches Chinese, how did he become such an expert in chemistry, to make his own potion and head over to Lin Qing's home? He didn't avenge his big grudge but ended up blowing up Lin Qing's stepmother and scumbag dad. Ah, to avenge one's enemy, is that even possible?"

There was silence throughout the room.

Song He, who had already figured out the gist of the situation, held his breath.

Instinctively, he looked at his wife Lian Xiang.

But Lian Xiang was oblivious. She said to Old Mrs. Song, "Mom, the two kids are still at home. I'll head back first, and if there's anything, I'll come over in the evening."

She then said to Second Son Song, "You don't go back."

And she even gave him a wink.

The youngest brother-in-law always takes advantage. Sun Jinrong is even more so; she had heard that Sun Jinrong often brought grain to her parental home. Quite a smart calculation.

Old Mrs. Song favored her children differently, lived with her eldest son, and secretly gave benefits to the younger one. Since that's the case, why don't you just live with your younger son?

Thank goodness she wasn't living with her too, otherwise she would have been angered to death by now, only her eldest brother and sister-in-law didn't mind.

Old Mrs. Song had cooked a lot of food today, so she let her husband eat here, which could save them some grain.

After all, both were her sons, why treat them so differently?

Xia Guilan hurriedly lifted the pot lid, took a few cornmeal vegetable buns for her, and Lian Xiang didn't hesitate to take them. But she looked at Song Yunuan's rosy-cheeked little face with a teasing smile, and said, "Mom, I used to say Siqi didn't look like a Song family member, and you scolded me for it. Now look what happened!"

Old Mrs. Song and Old Man Song exchanged glances.

Could their daughter-in-law not hear?