001 First acquaintance

I've been with this man for three years, and I can't tell whether it's an employment relationship or a relationship.

When it was time for the final exam in the second semester of my freshman year, I didn't tell my parents. I wanted to sneak home and give them a surprise.

As a result, I got the "surprise" they gave me - two cold bodies. The police said it was suicide.

I don't believe it, but I have no evidence.

I asked all my father's colleagues and friends, and they also expressed surprise and asked me to express my condolences, but they didn't have any clues.

My parents didn't leave me a word, only a bank card that wasn't enough for me to go to college.

Faced with the sudden bad news, I had no time to be resentful and sad. I still had to deal with the funeral arrangements. Fortunately, I had a few familiar uncles and aunts to help me.

After settling the funeral arrangements and spending a lot of my savings, my uncle and aunt collected some money for me and then left, asking me to contact them again if I had any difficulties. From then on, I couldn't contact them.

My father is a small leader of a local state-owned pharmaceutical factory and is very popular. My mother is a housewife with a gentle personality. Although our family is not wealthy, we live a warm and comfortable life.

All of this has nothing to do with me anymore following the sudden death of my parents.

Our family moved to this city because of my father's job. The old man passed away relatively early, and we had little contact with our distant relatives as we moved.

It seems like I am the only one left in this world.

Fortunately, the young police officer who was in charge of my parents' case at that time was quite enthusiastic. He must have just started working, so he would call me from time to time to greet me because he was worried that I would not be able to think about it. Occasionally, he would treat me to a meal when he passed by the school.

I also relied on this little bit of friendship and warmth in my life to persevere and get through the most painful period at the beginning.

But the difficulties of life continued. I could not survive for long with the savings left by my parents and the funding from my father's friends. The old house became a haunted house again and could not be sold for much money.

I found a part-time job in a cafe near the school. The lady boss treated me very well. I spent all my spare time on the part-time job. After all, if I don't have money to live, everything I say is in vain.

Officer Wang felt a lot relieved when he saw that I was still working hard to live my life.

I also met that person in a coffee shop.

One day, I went to work as usual, and two customers kept peeking at me and whispering, so I pretended not to notice and continued working.

When I was serving food to other customers and passing by them, I suddenly tripped over their stretched out feet. I fell to the ground, and the coffee spilled all over the floor and all over me. I was very embarrassed.

They did it on purpose, but I could only say sorry when I stood up, and I didn't want to cause trouble.

However, things didn't end there.

One of them pointed at his trousers and said angrily: "Is that all I need to say sorry? What should I do if my pants are dirty?"

I looked carefully and saw that there were probably two drops of coffee spilled just now.

They were scoundrels who deliberately made things difficult for me. I tried my best to calm down my emotions, hoping to end this matter quickly: "I'm sorry, I will compensate you for the cleaning fee."

He continued: "What kind of sincerity does it mean if someone else washes it? I want you to wash it with your own hands." I was stunned for a moment, thought for two seconds and said, "Okay."

At this time, he calmed down his arrogant expression and said with a playful smile: "Then you want me to take off my pants now and be naked?"

I was speechless for a moment and didn't know what to say. I stared at the two of them, with their frivolous expressions, bared teeth and squinted eyes.

At this time, the landlady came and persuaded her nicely. She held two hundred yuan in her hand and said with a smile on her face: "I'm so sorry, your order is waived. This is the cleaning fee. Calm down, everyone." Not intentional."

As the boss lady said this, she winked at me and told me to leave quickly.

I was about to leave, but the two boys still said, "I didn't mean to throw coffee on the customer's pants."

I was really angry: "Then what do you want?"

One of them said with a smirk on his face: "Why don't you go home and wash my pants for me?" I was about to argue, when a tall figure came over and said to the landlady:

"Can you please be quiet here? If you can't deal with the troublemakers, I will call the police."

The landlady said quickly, right away.

The two troublemakers saw that this man was more than half a head taller than the two of them. They were a little timid, but they still pretended to be social people and said, "Who are you, mind your own business."

Without saying a word, the tall man held one in each hand and dragged it toward the door. The two of them didn't react, and they couldn't use their strength as they were dragged, so they were thrown out by the man.

The two troublemakers tried to resist, but looking at the man's cold eyes, they spat and left.

When the proprietress and I came to our senses, we quickly thanked this man, but he just nodded slightly.

The landlady turned to me and said, "Yiqing, you should go back to school first. It will be difficult for you today."

I nodded: "Boss Boss, I've caused you trouble today."

The boss lady patted me on the shoulder and said, "It's okay. You have classes later, so go back quickly."

The man looked back at me and left without saying anything, and I didn't think much about it.

Until I packed up my things and walked to school, I heard someone calling my name from behind.

"It's also clear."

I turned around and saw that it was the man who had rescued me in the cafe.

Only now can I see his appearance clearly. His thick sword eyebrows make his cold eyes look even more ruthless. His facial features can be considered handsome, but he looks a bit fierce. Even though he helped me just now, I still feel a little scared to face him now. a feeling of.

His legs took two steps back involuntarily.

He probably saw my uneasiness, so he smiled and said, "Just now, I heard the boss lady call you that."

His smile actually made his fierce face look a little gentler.

I nodded: "Thank you just now." He asked me: "Are you still in school?"

I didn't know what he was going to do, and I didn't dare to say anything.

He continued: "I just asked the landlady about you. She didn't say much, but I probably know."

I'm still confused and don't know what he means.

Then, he took out a wallet from his body, pulled out a card from it and handed it to me and said, "This is my business card. If you have any difficulties, you can contact me."

I took the card. It was a business card with only my name and phone number on it. It shouldn't be a business card used for ordinary work. It said "Shi Yu" on it.

When I looked up again, he had already walked away and got into an Audi A8 on the side of the road.

Now, I know what he meant. A man in his thirties and forties with a successful career met a beautiful female college student with a poor family background, and then he naturally extended a "helping hand".

I smiled bitterly, threw the card into the trash can next to me, and walked into the school.

This thing is like a shell on the beach that accidentally stung one's foot, but it's not worth looking down at and just let it go.

Sometimes, it seems that life has opened a window for you, but when you turn around, you find that the door you came from has been closed.