005 be careful

After he opened the door, he looked me over and asked me what I wanted.

I hesitated for a long time without saying anything, so he just leaned against the door with his arms folded and looked at me quietly without interrupting.

Finally, I bit my lip and said, "Mr. Shi, actually, I can do it."

He frowned at first, then chuckled and said, "Want to thank me?" My head seemed to be filled with lead and I couldn't lift it up, so I nodded slowly.

Then he raised his hand and stretched it towards my shoulder. I subconsciously avoided it, but he hesitated and took his hand back.

I suddenly felt very annoyed with myself.

"Yiqing," he said softly, "look at me."

I raised my head and he continued, "I don't want to embarrass you. Come to me when you think about it."

There was an unwillingness to admit defeat in my heart that made me want to keep persisting: "Actually, I can do this."

He did not continue the topic, but said to me: "Don't go barefoot, go back and put on your shoes, don't catch a cold."

Then he brushed the broken hair from my forehead, lowered his head, kissed my forehead gently and said, "Good night."

Then the door was closed.

I froze at the door for a few seconds before turning around and going back to the room. Then my face started to turn red and feverish. He buried his face in the pillow, hating that he had lost someone and was rejected instead of offering himself up.

I woke up early the next morning and came out of the bedroom to find that Shi Yu had already gotten up and was sitting on the sofa, flipping through the iPad in his hand.

Seeing me getting up, he sat up and asked me, "Why are you getting up so early? You finally have a holiday and don't want to sleep more?"

"When I woke up, I couldn't sleep." I still felt a little embarrassed because of what happened yesterday, but he seemed like nothing happened.

After thinking about it, he may have seen a lot and doesn't care about me. I don't know how many villas he has where girls live like this.

"Here's a bowl of noodles. I'll take you out to eat at noon."

I scratched my head and said sheepishly, "I'm not very good at cooking."

He looked up at me and was stunned for a moment, then he smiled: "I'm not asking you to cook it, I'm cooking it."

I didn't expect that the admirable "Brother Yu" in everyone's mouth could actually cook. And, it tastes pretty good.

I didn't know what to say at the dinner table, but I felt a little embarrassed not to speak, so I asked him casually: "Why haven't you seen Wei Xi recently?"

He looked up at me and said, "Why did you call him Weixi?" I was confused: "Isn't his name Feng Weixi?"

He continued to ask me: "Didn't he say that others call him Axi?"

I couldn't help laughing when I thought of "Axi": "Don't you think calling him Axi is like swearing? I felt awkward, so I called him Weixi."

He squinted and stared at me for a while, as if he was judging whether what I said was true. I continued, "What's wrong? Is there any problem with calling Wei Xi?"

He said, "Well, no problem, you can call it whatever you want."

I, the second monk, was also confused, so I could only continue chatting awkwardly: "Weixi is quite interesting, but the current driver is boring. Sitting in the car is so boring."


At this time, my phone rang. It was a WeChat message. When I opened it, it was Officer Wang: Happy New Year.

I smiled and replied: Happy New Year.

I haven't contacted Officer Wang for a while. I don't know what he would think if he knew that I was living in someone else's house.

Shi Yu asked me whose news it was.

I said my friend wished me a Happy New Year. He frowned and said nothing.

Officer Wang sent another message: How are you doing lately? I'm a little busy and haven't had time to see you. How do you celebrate the holiday today? I'll take you to dinner.

I thought about it, Shi Yu had already stayed here last night, and he probably wouldn't be with me during the holiday today, so I agreed directly to Officer Wang.

Shi Yu saw that I kept lowering my head and playing with my phone, so he scolded me softly: "Eat well and don't play with your phone."

I put down my phone, finished the last bite of noodles, and got up to clear the dishes. Shi Yu also finished eating, so I picked it up together, put it in the dishwasher, and turned around to wipe the table.

Shi Yu saw that I had been busy and had nothing to say, "What are your plans for today?" I wiped the table and said, "I have an appointment with a friend for lunch."

He was stunned for a moment, probably because he didn't expect anything to happen to me, and then asked: "What friend? Why didn't you tell me?"

I said, "I just made an appointment. Today is the holiday. I don't think you will stay at my place. You just go out to eat with friends."

What I didn't know at the time was that Shi Yu specifically gave up a day's work just to celebrate the New Year with me.

He was silent for a while and said, "I'll take you there later."

I quickly said, "No, no, I'll just take a taxi."

"On the way."

"All right."

But actually, I haven't said where I'm going to eat yet.

After cleaning up the dining room, I sat on the small sofa in front of the floor-to-ceiling window in the living room and read a book. Shi Yu was still reading the computer on the small reception table next to me.

Occasionally, I would say a few words without saying anything.

It's almost noon, I'm getting ready to go out, and Shi Yu is also dressed and ready to see me off.

In the car, I felt quite embarrassed: "I'm sorry, Mr. Shi, but I'd like to ask you to send me off, which will take up half a day of your time."

He probably understood that I thought he had a family or other lovers.

He just looked at me sideways and said, "What's going on in your head?"

"Huh?" I didn't understand what he meant. He shook his head and said no more.

He sent me to the entrance of the shopping mall where I had made an appointment with Officer Wang, and I got off the car. He said behind me: "Yiqing, call me after dinner and I will pick you up."


I made an appointment with Officer Wang at a hot pot restaurant. As soon as I walked in, I saw him waving to me. I also said hello and sat over.

"How have you been lately? I went to the cafe to find you, and the lady boss said you no longer have a part-time job. Are you an intern at some big company?"

"It's very good. The teacher recommended me to intern at a consulting company. It's a rare opportunity."

"Okay then, when are the final exams?"

"The New Year's Day holiday is over, and the exam will be on the 4th. It will take one week."

"During your winter vacation," he tentatively asked me where I would stay during the vacation.

"I went to an uncle's house. He had a vacant house that I could stay in temporarily."

"That's good."

Then we talked about work and life. Officer Wang has a warm and cheerful personality, and he is not a few years older than me. It is always easy to chat with him.

After dinner, he said he would take me back to school. I was stunned for a moment. I hadn't lived in the dormitory for a long time, so I pretended to be polite and said, "No, someone will pick me up."

He also remembered: "Oh, that relative of yours, right?"

I nodded.