007 Bar Distress

I was much happier riding in Weixi's car. We chatted along the way and arrived at the company soon.

Then another busy day of work began.

Not only have I been busy with work these days, but the school exams are about to take place, and I have to be busy reviewing. Although Shi Yu has been living in the villa these two days because Aunt Jiao is away, I am so busy that I can't even talk about it. sentence.

A few days later, after finishing the last exam, I walked towards the alley where I usually park my car, but someone called my name on the side of the road. I looked up and saw that it was the Huang Mao I saw in the bar that day.

He told me, "Get in the car. Brother Yu asked me to pick you up. We have met before at the bar. I am Brother Yu's friend."

I nodded, dubious.

He continued: "Brother Yu said that today is your last exam, and he is taking you out to play. Get in the car."

When I hesitated, he pulled me into the passenger seat.

I asked where I was going, but he didn't tell me. I was still a little panicked, but I haven't talked to Shi Yu much recently. He probably wanted to ease the relationship.

After a while, I arrived at the door of a KTV and took me into a private room. There was no one inside. He said, "Brother Yu will be here soon. Drink some water first and wait for a while."

I took the water and drank it while thinking about calling Shi Yu.

I picked up my phone and found a few unread messages. I muted my phone for the exam and didn't see it. I clicked on it and found Weixi: Miss Su, haven't you finished the exam yet? I'm in the alley where I usually park.

Wei Xi: Didn't you say it would be over in 2 hours? What problem did you encounter?

I immediately felt there was a problem and quickly replied: I was at Diamond KTV and Huang Mao brought me here.

At this time, Huang Mao walked in, took my phone away and said, "Stop playing with your phone and sing. Brother Yu will be here soon."

Now that I was convinced that I had been cheated, I stood up and wanted to leave, but he grabbed me, threw me on the sofa, and said with a playful smile, "I'm leaving in a hurry before I even play."

I was panicking, but I tried my best to calm down and said, "Sorry, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

At this time, I stood up and suddenly found that my head was a little dizzy, I couldn't stand steady, and my hands were weak. I realized that there must be something wrong with the water I drank when I came in.

I fell down on the sofa again, and Huang Mao came over and said, "I want to experience what Shi Yu feels like."

I tried hard to push him away, but my arms were limp and there was no strength.

Just when I was thinking wildly in despair, the door of the private room was kicked open, and it was Shi Yu and Wei Xi. I breathed a sigh of relief, but my head became more and more dizzy, and the sounds I heard became more and more blurred.

I could only vaguely see Shi Yu grabbing Huang Mao and punching him to the ground, and then saw me fainting on the sofa with my face flushed pink.

Then his already fierce face was even more distorted with anger, and he roared at Huang Mao: "You actually gave her medicine, you beast, I don't care if you are Dong Ge's person or Dong Ge's dog, this matter is not over."

Then he picked me up and turned to Weixi and said, "Hurry up and drive."

I just let Shi Yu hug me. He seemed to be running very fast, but I felt like I was lying on thick cotton. Everywhere I touched was soft, I couldn't exert any strength, my head was dizzy, and I just felt Feeling hot all over.

After a while, it seemed that we were in the car. Shi Yu hugged me and sat in the back seat.

I felt so hot on my body that I stretched out my hand to tug on my collar. It took a lot of effort to open my eyes. When I saw Shi Yu's anxious look, I suddenly felt so cute and wanted to kiss him.

I put my arms around Shi Yu's neck and said nonsense: "Shi Yu, give me a hug."

He tried to lower his voice as much as possible to make himself sound less scary: "Yiqing, we will be home soon."

I buried my head in his neck, pulled his collar with one hand, pulled his tie away, and started to unbutton his shirt.

He grabbed my hand and stopped my movement. His eyes were red and his teeth were gritting loudly, but his tone was very soft: "Yi Qing, no."

My mind was in a state of confusion, and I just moaned feebly in the crook of his neck.

He took out his mobile phone, made a call, and said into the phone: "Aunt Jiao, put a tank of cold water for Yi Qing, we will be home soon."

I don't know how much time passed, but I felt hot and uncomfortable all over. I kept trying to get rid of my clothes, but Shi Yu held me tightly and wouldn't let me move.

After arriving home, he hugged me and ran upstairs. He heard Aunt Jiao ask with concern from behind: "Miss Su, what's wrong? The water has been put away. Go quickly."

Then I felt my jacket and pants being taken off, but the shirt I was wearing was still on, and my whole body was immersed in the cold water.

I muttered something uncomfortable.

Shi Yu took one of my hands, put it to his mouth, kissed it and said, "It's okay, it'll be fine in a while. I'll be here with you."

My other hand in the water was still unconsciously tugging at the buttons of my shirt.

After a while, his consciousness gradually returned, his body began to feel the cold water temperature, and his vision became much clearer.

I lowered my head and looked at myself. I had completely unbuttoned my shirt. I was wearing only my underwear and a pair of underwear. I turned my head and saw Shi Yu squatting beside the bathtub, holding one of my hands. There was no lust in his eyes. , only worry and anger.

I still didn't have the energy to speak loudly: "Mr. Shi, I'm fine."

He stood up, took me out of the bathtub, put me on the chair next to me, took off my wet shirt and underwear, and took the clean towel next to me and wiped me dry from head to toe.

After that, he found some pajamas and helped me put them on, dried my hair, put me on the bed, kissed my forehead, and said warmly, "Have a good rest. I'll ask Aunt Jiao to bring you something to eat later." for drink."

I nodded weakly, gently pulled his hand and said, "I'm sorry for causing trouble to you."

"It's none of your business. You have a good rest and I'll take care of it." Then he turned around and left.

As for what he said about "dealing with it", I don't know how to solve it.

In short, he didn't come back until late that night. He even took a shower before coming to my room to see me, but I still saw that the joints on the back of his two hands were all severely bruised.

A long time later, I saw the yellow-haired man again. His mouth was filled with gold teeth. There was a long scar from his forehead to behind his ears. His nose seemed not to be right, and he walked with a limp.

The next day was the weekend, which happened to be a holiday, and I felt much better. When I went out, I saw Shi Yu smoking. Looking at the number of cigarette butts in the ashtray, I had already smoked a lot.

I've seen ashtrays at home before, but I've never seen him smoke in front of me.

When he saw me coming down, he quickly put out the cigarette in his hand, stood up, took my hand and asked me how I felt.

I looked down at his hand and gently touched the wound on the joint. He glanced at it and took his hand back, then asked me what I wanted to eat and let Aunt Jiao do it.

I said I wanted to drink millet porridge.

Aunt Jiao was cooking in the kitchen, and the two of us sat on the sofa, saying nothing.

I got up and got the medicine box, took his hand, and prepared to give him some medicine.

He looked at me carefully applying medicine to him and said silently: "I'm sorry, if it weren't for me, you wouldn't have suffered this."

"If it weren't for you, I might not even be able to go to school now," I paused and then said, "I'm the one who caused you trouble."

Although I don't know who "Brother Dong" is, judging from the two people mentioned it twice, he is not an ordinary person.

I continued: "If you treat Huang Mao like this, won't Brother Dong cause trouble for you?"

"No, it's against the rules to talk to anyone about being interested in my people. Don't worry, I won't let this happen to you again. In the future, instead of me picking you up, I will only ask Weixi to pick you up. "

I gave him the medicine, looked at him and nodded.

The porridge was ready. I was drinking porridge at the dining table. He had already eaten, but he was also playing with me on his mobile phone at the dining table.