010 Staying in bed

He raised his hand and pushed the hair away from my face, and then touched my cheek, making me itch.

Then, his head lowered and his lips gently pressed against mine. I didn't know what to do, I closed my mouth tightly and didn't dare to move, and my body was as stiff as a piece of wood.

He whispered in my ear: "Don't be nervous, relax."

It was soft and a bit like a command tone. I dare not express my anger.

He continued to guide me, and I followed his words and gradually relaxed.

I don't know when I fell asleep. The next day, when I woke up in his arms, I felt a little shy and didn't dare to look at him, so I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep.

"Don't pretend to be asleep when you wake up."

"you saw it?"

"Your eyelashes are shaking too obviously."

If what happened last night made me embarrassed, the naked encounter I faced this morning was even more difficult for me to face.

Hiding in bed, not wanting to get out of bed.

"You really want to stay in my bed?" He said with one hand wiping my hair around my ears.

"I haven't woken up yet." I shrank into the bed again.

He sighed and said, "Okay, shall I get up first?" After saying that, he lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

When I suddenly saw his naked body, I was so startled that I crawled directly into bed.

I heard his voice outside the quilt: "Hey, Yiqing, what do you want me to say about you?"

Then, he picked up my pajamas from the ground and threw them to me: "Put them on and go downstairs to eat quickly."

After hearing the door closing, I poked my head out from under the quilt and saw him going out. I quickly got dressed and went downstairs.

Seeing him eating breakfast, I sat down next to him.

He looked at me and said, "Are you down? Are you comfortable sitting there?"

I thought there was something uncomfortable about it, but then I realized it and glared at him with a red face. He smiled and said, "Aunt Jiao, please change the sheets in my room later." I was so embarrassed that my face turned red, I couldn't even eat anymore, so I got up and left.

He quickly grabbed my hand and said, "Yiqing, I won't tease you anymore. You should eat well. It's the seafood porridge you like to drink."

In short, Shi Yu is a very bad person.

I was at home for the holidays recently, and the Chinese New Year was coming soon. He wasn't too busy either. He was always pestering me at home, and he didn't go to other places to spend the night. When he got tired of me, he didn't avoid Aunt Jiao, which made me afraid to be there. Hall to stay.

I couldn't stand it anymore, so I said let's go out for a walk, maybe go shopping.

He also agreed, saying that he didn't usually see me shopping for clothes or anything like that. Seeing that other girls at this age love beauty, he asked Weixi to go shopping with me because he was busy.

Thinking about the days when he was always away from home, Weixi would take me to and from school every day, and tell him if I needed anything. If I asked Weixi to go shopping with me, he was really not afraid of me and Weixi. Ran.

The shopping malls are quite busy during the New Year. With the New Year and the new atmosphere, everyone is thinking about wearing new festive clothes for the New Year.

I saw a red sweater that looked pretty good, and I asked Shi Yu to try it on, but he was adamant about not wanting it. I said you usually wear black and white, but it's the Chinese New Year, so you need a change of mood.

With my insistent recommendation, he finally tried it. After trying it, he said it didn't look good and decided not to buy it. I thought it looked pretty good, so I said, "It's really good-looking. I'm going to wear it at home these days. This is the same style for men and women, so I'll wear it too."

Finally, I bought it. I encouraged him to put it on now and we would go together. He must be in a good mood today, but he was very unhappy, but he still put it on.

This is a bit like celebrating the New Year.

I held his hand and walked around the mall. When I saw good-looking clothes, I tried them on and bought them if I thought they were good. Occasionally, I would complain that the clothes were too expensive, and he would say "it's okay" and buy them.

The clerk said flatteringly: "Beauty, your husband is so kind to you."

Maybe in the eyes of others, we really look like a couple.

But as soon as I turned around, I was brought back to reality.

I actually met Officer Wang in the mall. The people beside him should be his parents.

They also saw us. Shi Yu pulled me over there and politely said to the elder: "Director Wang, go shopping with your wife and children."

It seemed that Shi Yu knew Officer Wang's father. Chief Wang did seem to have the poise of a high-ranking official. He nodded to Shi Yu and said, "Mr. Shi." He glanced at me next to him, but there was no reaction.

I could see Officer Wang staring at me with a look of disappointment and disdain that I will never forget.

They exchanged a few more polite words and then went shopping separately. What was once a good mood suddenly disappeared. He told Shi Yu that he had almost bought it and should go home.

He didn't say anything, put a bunch of shopping bags in the trunk, and drove home.

I could probably sense that he was not in a good mood along the way, and he didn't talk to me. I was also tired of dealing with it. When I got home, I went upstairs to my room.

After a while, he came in with the clothes I bought today and said, "Let me hang up the clothes you bought today."


Then I saw him go into the closet, and after a while he came out and saw me lying on the bed without saying anything. He opened the quilt, got in, and rubbed his nose behind my ear. He seemed to like my long hair very much. She always buries her head in my hair, and from time to time she would tuck my hair with her hands and say, "Yiqing's hair is really nice, black and shiny."

But I was not in the mood to be intimate with him now, so I turned my back to him.

He didn't stop, his hands were still reaching into my clothes: "What's wrong? Why are you in a bad mood all of a sudden?"

I avoided his hand and said, "No, I'm just a little tired from shopping."

He stopped what he was doing. I thought he was about to leave, but suddenly he pulled me by the shoulders and turned me over. His words became weird: "Su Yiqing, didn't you just see Wang Jichen? You won't let me touch him when he comes back." What, what? Protect yourself like a jade for him?"

I stared at him, feeling that he was being unreasonable: "What are you talking about? I have nothing to do with him!"

"It doesn't matter. Does he care whether you are with me or not? I can tell what he thinks about you just by looking at it. As for what you think, you know it yourself."

"I didn't." I don't know how else I can defend myself.

"Okay, then let me see your sincerity." Then he tore the buttons of my pajamas.

I subconsciously blocked it with both hands, and tears flowed down my face.

He raised both my wrists above my head, holding them down with one hand while continuing to unbutton them with the other.

"Mr. Shi, I was wrong. My attitude was wrong today." My plea for mercy was not

Yes, his cold eyes hurt my bones.

I also understand that when he is happy, he doesn't have to care about my little temper, but when he is unhappy, even if he buries himself in the dust, he will not show any pity.

Testing his bottom line is like touching a tiger's butt. If it feels comfortable, he will cling to you like a big cat. If it doesn't, he will bite your throat in one bite.

His unstable temper also made it difficult for me to understand clearly, so I could only be cautious and try my best to satisfy him.

His marks were all over his body. Even wearing high-collared clothes could not hide the red marks on his neck and behind his ears. His whole body ached and he didn't want to go downstairs for dinner.

I whispered to him: "Mr. Shi, I'm not hungry, so I won't go down for dinner."