Jasmine inadvertently revealed some information that gave me a bold idea. George has always thought that the construction costs were too high, and he has been trying to reduce costs to increase his profits. This could be the perfect opportunity for him to stumble. Back in the day, I had warned him about this, telling him not to focus solely on profits, as greed could lead to his downfall.
I remember George scoffing at me then, saying, "Women are just too timid, long hair but short on insight!" He even pointed to his head, telling me to use my brain.
It seems that this was meant to be; he was bound to stumble on this issue. Once I settled on this idea, I felt a surge of joy. The extent of his fall would now depend on George's fate.
Just then, my mom came in with Angel. Seeing my arm, her eyes immediately reddened, "It was all fine, how did it become like this again? Those beasts from the Smith Family will not have a good end."