In an unexpected turn of events, George, fueled by his unbridled desires, forcefully pins Grace onto the bed. Today, he's unusually aggressive, giving it his all, but Grace senses something is amiss……
Grace was mistaken; she believed she had the perfect husband and the best friend in the world……
Now, none of that matters anymore. The only thing that remains is revenge!
The FL did not actually reborn, but she did undergo a remarkable personal growth. I appreciate and enjoy her changes. I hope you enjoy it as well. I'm hoping the FL can get each reader thinking in their own unique way. I had a blast writing this story - I felt like I was growing right alongside Grace, sharing in her ups and downs. It was such a memorable experience for me, and I really hope it'll be the same for you too.
miss author i need some more updates i cant wait longer
So far the story is good. Steady, fast phase, and informative. I just want to confirm were all the Characters Chinese? If so, why using Western names? Also, writing a novel using "I" as the story teller is not recomended, as it is not a biography
Such a good book, I loveee reading it so much!!and I hope to read the complete book.great story its really good i really like main female character