Cultivation system and the 7 Paragons

The first thing Veron wanted to do was to make sure that anyone and everyone would be able to grow. Therefore he bent the laws of his world to ensure that all beings born into that world, would have an affinity for at least 1 of the naturally occurring energies being produced. 

The second thing he did was mess with the spread of energy around his planet. The energy would react similar to heat, it would naturally flow into areas where there was less of it. Thereby he hoped to eliminate dead spots in his world. There would of course be areas where the energy was more abundant, but there would be ZERO areas where it was barren.

The third law he made had to do with the way the cores would interact with the body. The core itself would have several grades of potential, and each grade would have an easier time assimilating energy than the one before it. These cores would facilitate every bodily function, raising them far beyond normal levels depending on the rank and grade of the core.

Fourth he made his world produce several items of varying ranks to advance the potential of ones core. He really didn't want anyone to have no way out if they were unlucky enough to be born with a poor potential. He knew that as time passed and the beings he created basked in the wonderful power of his world, that it would become less and less common for people to be born with poor aptitudes. But still he wanted to be prepared.

Fifth he made the energy that these cores used incredibly versatile. An individual would be able to do practically anything so long as they had the will and imagination to do so. Of course this only functioned so long as the energy type being used matched with the intended effect. Energy of a water nature could not be used to start fires for example.

The sixth law was mainly for a very far in the future problem. He made it so that if any individual managed to obtain pseudo-divinity they would be removed from the planet and returned to his presence. He would then decide what to do with them at that point.

The 7th law was probably going to give him the most headache. He wanted his creations to be free. He wanted them to be able to chose between what he considered to be good and evil. This way he could decide whom to bless more frequently, and who ultimately would be able to join him in his eternal life. He knew that there would be some who inevitably abused this privilege. But if he refused to allow his creation its freedom, they would never achieve their true potential. 

He spent a long time coding out what he considered to be right and wrong, and attached specific blessings to those things he considered to be good. He refrained from attaching punishments to wrong things as the ultimate punishment would come when the individual perished. They would be separated from him, and denied all the eternal blessings that he would have otherwise given them.

Now that the laws were basically taken care of, he decided to move on the the next phase of his creation. And it was for this phase that he was most excited.

"Laws have been finalized and have begun to function. The coding has been engraved into the world core, and the core itself will enforce them. You may now move on to your final step and create your fist life form."

A wide grin spread across Veron's face as his imagination began to run wild. He had so many ideas from his life in mortality, and he couldn't wait to begin to bring them to life.

"System, allocate 1 permanent divine point to create a new core for my first creation. Please do this seven times so that I end up with 7 cores. Also make it so that I can adjust them each individually after they are created."

It took several moments for the system to respond. It was safe to say that this was LITERALLY the first time someone was sacrificing permanent points for such a thing. As such it took a while for the system to comply with such a request. 

"Completed, you now posses 7 10th rank cores in the solid stage. They are void of any specific affinities or abilities and may be adjusted to your liking."

Veron was extremely excited, he could guess as to how devastating these cores would be because his system that he made for mortals only went up to the 9th rank. It also made sense, in order to reach divinity an individual would have to break through to the 10th rank. And he was in the process of creating what he would call 'The 7 Paragons' who would look after his world for him. They would each be endowed with phenomenal powers and freedom. He would give each of them the ability to create their own "Children", suited for the areas and laws of the world over which they would govern.

The first of these creations was called Icarus, The Lord of Light. Veron had dove into the central continent to retrieve his desired materials. He fashioned a winged humanoid bone structure from a metal that shone with a white brilliance. It was infused with a vast amount of Light energy and was far stronger than normal metals. He called it Sun steel, and was very happy with the base that it provided to Icarus.

Secondly Veron gathered all kinds of light infused organic materials. Sun lilies, Bright moss, and many others which he fashioned internal organs from. He fashioned these organs after the ones he himself possessed, ensuring the perfect functioning of Icarus's internal environment.

Thirdly Veron gathered more Sun steel before he broke it down into billions of individual fibers, which he then wove to form Icarus's entire musculature. Every single muscle group was crafted to perfection of form and function. Ensuring that not only would Icarus be beautiful, he would be impossibly strong as well.

Fourth Veron gathered different light infused clays and dust before further infusing divine energy into those materials. He did this by borrowing a small amount of the energy produced by the worlds core to force their evolution. He then stretched this new material over Icarus's body to form his skin. 

Fifth Veron gathered enormous amounts of light energy before condensing them it into hundreds of feathers. He meticulously placed each one to ensure the form and function of Icarus's glorious wings.

And finally Veron planted the 10th rank core in the center of Icarus's chest in lieu of a heart. This core would perform the function of a heart but instead of circulating blood, it would circulate pure light energy. After the core had been implanted the core began to stretch thick vein like structures throughout Icarus's body. The Core assimilated some of the existing vascular structure but entirely replaced it in areas that it needed to. Veron did nothing to interrupt this process as the core was adapting itself and the body for perfect function and efficiency. It didn't take long before the core was finished with its assimilation and began to pump vast quantities of energy throughout the body, solidifying it and bringing the different materials into perfect harmony. 

Veron stood in awe of his creation, it had to be the most beautiful thing he had ever seen aside from the actual gods by his side. He could feel the intense waves of power rolling off of this creature, and it filled him with excitement. 

Icarus had yet to move as though his existence was still waiting for something. Veron knew exactly what it was so he didn't hesitate to begin the final process. 

Veron seeped his consciousness into the core of Icarus and began to organize all the laws that were being continually poured inside of it. He implanted deep into the core the idea of protecting the world and all its creations. He implanted a sense of justice, virtue, mercy, and peace. To ensure that while this being would be absolutely capable of violence, they would seek peaceful alternatives first to solve eventual issues. He included in the mandate a command to create a single race to inhabit this continent over which Icarus would preside, and the duty to nurture them to the best of its ability. He filled Icarus with a sense of belonging to the world, and to the land over which he was Lord. To the people he would create, and the other paragons which were yet to be formed. Veron continued to poor ideas, laws, and functions into Icarus's core but the final kicker was the bit of intelligence that was provided by the generator. 

There exists a vast amount of intelligence in the universe. This intelligence cannot be created, nor destroyed. But it can inhabit spiritual bodies to give them life. And it was at this most crucial point that a bit of inteligence was placed inside the core to coalesce all the different laws and duties into a cohesive consciousness.

Once that bit of intelligence took hold it formed a soul that took on the exact form of its host body. And it was this soul that finally brought Icarus to life. In a burst of light so brilliant it would blot out the sun, Icarus was born. His form finally taking life as the soul sparked it into being. Once the light dimmed a magnificent being could be seen resplendent with light, kneeling on the floor their head bowed in humble adoration and obedience. From this form a single word was uttered in a voice that shook the world itself.
