Chapter 4: With my Family!

Percy cleared his throat, "no to sound angry, BUT ARE YOU FREAKING MAD?! I can barely learn human shit, and now you want me to learn magic?! Granted it's magic, but shit women, I can't perform miracles!"

"We believe we can help you with that," The Fates said, "we will get you a teacher, one of the best in the world for magic, we believe with her help you will be more than ready by the time the next year rolls around."

Percy looked surprised, "really? A tutor? Who did you three have in mind?"

The Fates smiled, "it is better we keep that to ourselves. One mention of her name and she will be alerted to us and will know who we are speaking to. We must first inform her of our...situation and then batter for her help. It will take some time."

Perc groaned, "okay then, so what exactly am I supposed to do till then?"

"We have made arrangements for you," The Fates snapped their fingers and a black cloth bag with a green trident on it appeared in their hand. "This is a bag made out of mokeskin, a magic bag which can only be opened and used by the owner, you. It also is charmed to be ever expanding, meaning you can store a great many things inside it and have plenty of space for more."

Percy's eyes went wide as he took the bag. It felt empty in his hands, but when he opened it he found it filled with golden coins. Percy gaped, "woah! Is that gold?!"

"Yes, like us greeks the wizards use gold, silver and bronze as currency. The gold coins are known as galleons, the silver as sickles and the bronze as knuts. We have provided funds for you Percy, use them wisely."

Percy sighed, "right. Thanks for this. Although it's kind of surprising you have this all planned out."

"We needed time to get this ready."

"But you found me in like minutes after I reached here."

"Exactly, we needed that time to prepare all of this for you."

"So you knew I would say yes?"


"Wow….okay, I'm not going to lie, that's impressive. Scary, but impressive."

The Fates nodded, they got up and one of them gave Percy a map, "this map will lead you to a place called the Leaky Cauldron, an entranceway to the wizarding world. You will be able to find it just fine, once there rent a room and stay there, don't talk to anyone, don't do anything. Hopefully by tonight we will have your teacher ready for you, and you can begin….assimilating to the wizarding world."

Percy raised an eyebrow, "wait if you know the future then you know that my teacher is going to say yes, and if you also know that….did you know that Kronos would send me here?"

The Fates smiled, "good bye Percy Jackson."

"Hey wait! I need answers gods dammit!" But the three old women exploded in a burst of light and teleported away, leaving Percy blinking away away bright light spots from his vision.

'Great, just great,' Percy grumbled, he quickly pocketed the mokeskin bag and pulled out the map. He found a big red sticker with 'you' written on it posted on one corner, and a line drawn through London ending on the other corner.

It was quite far away from where he was, and Percy didn't have any money on him, well, nothing he could spend anyway. So with no other choice Percy got up from the bench and began walking, following the instructions on the map.

Percy walked down London, truly the place was amazing tourist location. Percy felt strange being here though as most of the people were oddly dressed. Every wore such old clothes, every guy wore a plaid shirt while every woman wore a tight t-shirt. It was like they were stuck in the 90's!

Oh wait….never mind. Percy forgot, again, he was in the 90's. He realised now that the time travel thing really did happen. Not just the fashion but the way they acted and spoke. The New York born and raised boy from the 2000's wasn't really comfortable with this place, but hey, it was at least better than being stuck in the 70's, now that would be a nightmare!

Percy eventually reached the place in question, after stopping and asking directions many times. Honestly the roads were all mixed up, how was anyone supposed to find anything here? But either way he did it, he made it to the Leaky Cauldron, good thing too, as it had already become dark.

Percy pushed open the door and stopped. 'Did I time travel...again?!'

The inside of the place looked like a victoria area play stage. The people were dressed in robes and sitting around candle light tables. The people looked like they were from the past, the ancient past. There was no form of electricity in the place, there wasn't even a fan!

Percy turned around and looked outside, sure enough the streets were still the same, and he was still in the 90's. But when he looked back in the pub it looked like he was in Victorian England!

Percy groaned, 'what have I gotten myself into?' Percy walked inside wearly, the people gave him one look before scoffing and looking away. Percy looked surprised, 'what are they looking at? My clothes? What's wrong with my clothes? You're the one who's dressed up to go to a medieval convection!'

Percy grumbled and walked to the man behind the bar, presumably the owner. The man saw him coming and smiled, "yes young man, how can I help you?"

"Ah, I was hoping for a room here for the night," Percy said as the people at the bar suddenly took notice of him giving him a once over.

"Ah American are you? What brings you here?" the man asked.

"I'm visiting, with my family."