Chapter 5: Goddess of Magic!

"I'm visiting, with my family."

"Right, oh where are my manners? Tom, I'm the owner of this here pub, pleasure to meet you lad," the gave his hand out which Percy shook.

"Percy, Percy Jackson."

"Right, now let's see," the man turned around and looked at a key rack behind the desk, "room number 5 is available, would that be alright?"

Percy nodded, "that will be fine."

"Perfect! Now for one night that will be a galleon, but that does include breakfast and lunch," Tom smiled.

Percy nodded, "great," he took out the mokeskin bag and took out a single golden coin handing it to Tom. Tom then handed Percy his key and told him where the rooms where.

Percy walked up the stairs by the side of the pub and quickly found room 5. He opened the door and was surprised to find a very spacious room inside. Percy frowned his eyebrows and stepped out, he saw that the door number 6 was just a few feet away from his door, but the room inside was easily 10 feet big.

'It's bigger on the inside,' Percy realised as he walked in and closed the door behind him. The room had a bed to one side, a wardrobe, a fireplace and a mirror. It wasn't much, but it was better than most motels Percy knew.

The demigod sighed, it had been a long day, he walked up to the window and unlatched it throwing it open and letting the cool night air come inside. Percy took a deep breath and sighed, 'okay, so I'm stuck in the past, trying to enter a world I don't know shit about by learning six years of magic in six months time. Perfect, just perfect.'

Percy closed the window and walked away. "You are very handsome, though that shirt could use a bit of a wash."

Percy whirled around as he took out Riptide, his pen/sword and readied it, "okay, who said that?"

"That sword is nice, goes with the hole 'wandering warrior' look you are going for."

Percy blinked, that voice, it came from the mirror. Percy approached it and stared, "I'm sorry, but did you just talk to me?"

"You look very handsome, though that shirt could use a wash. The sword adds to your 'wandering warrior look'." the mirror repeated again.

"Dude, you can talk!"

"You look very handsome, though that shirt could use a wash. The sword adds to your 'wandering warrior look'." the mirror repeated once more.

'Huh, it must be charmed or something to say that,' Percy looked behind the standing mirror and found no wires of any sort, meaning it must be some form of magic that made the mirror sentient.

Percy smiled, "okay I'll admit, a talking mirror is very cool."

"Thank you."

Percy was surprised, but then again maybe the mirror was programed to say that as well. Percy then finally noticed how he was dressed. His camp half-blood shirt was ripped at the edges, his face and skin was covered in soot and dust. Those people were right to stare, Percy looked like a stray. His black hair was wild and his sea green eyes looked tired. Percy was 6 feet tall with a swimmer's build, being the son of the sea god did that.

Percy then turned around and stred at his back side, "does my ass look fat in these jeans?"

"Yes and you won't hear me complain," a voice called out, and this time it wasn't the mirror.

Percy turned around and found a woman leaning against the door with her arms crossed and a smirk on her lips. She had a very young and charming face with black curly hair and bright brown eyes that smiled with mischief.

She wore a full arm white robe that came down to her feet with black runes written all over. She wore rings all over her hands and a white tiara with a black stone in the center.

"Who are you?" Percy asked already drawn Riptide out, ready to attack at a moment's notice.

"Put down the blade boy, I mean you no harm, if I did, you would be dead already."

Percy narrowed his eyes, "that didn't answer my question."

The woman chuckled, "you have guts kid, I'll give you that much. The Fates sent me, now, please stop looking like you're constipated, it really is disturbing."

Percy blinked, "what? This is my serious face!"

"Sure...we'll work on that," the woman swung her arms as she approached Percy looking him up and down, "so you're the time traveler huh? Not much to look at are you?"

Percy raised an eyebrow, "yeah, maybe, but that's because it's been a long day and I'm kind of exhausted. Kicking Kronos' ass and then being sent 15 years into the past is kind of a full plate for me."

The woman raised an eyebrow, "really? Kronos, well that is impressive. Maybe you aren't a complete waste after all," she walked up to his bed and leaned on it, "alright son of Poseidon I've decided, I'll train you, At least until you stop being interesting that is."

Percy put away his pen, "I'm sorry not to be rude or anything, but who are you?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, usually people would know who I am instantly, but I'm guessing you're not exactly the brightest bulb in the room are you?"

Percy frowned, "I'm smart when I'm interested."

"Well alright then smart guy tell me, who am I?"

Percy looked the woman over. She was powerful, very powerful, and since the Fates could talk to her and she knew about Kronos she was obviously devine. Percy knew of only one person who was both a divine and good at magic.

"Hecate," Percy spoke, "you are the goddess of magic, Hecate."

The woman gave a feral grin, "right you are Jackson. Right you are."