Chapter 6: Kid!

Percy smiled as he slept, dreaming about swimming in the sea with his mom and friends. He swam up to the surface, enjoying the way the water seemed to bend to his will.

He looked around and found Annabeth walking towards him. She wore a grey one piece with a smile on her face.

"Hey seaweed brain, long time."

"Yeah," Percy smiled, "I miss you Annabeth."

"And I miss you," the daughter of wisdom smiled, "when are you coming back?"

"I...I don't know."

"Percy, it's time."

"Time? Time for what?"

"It's time to wake up."



"AH!" Percy yelled as he woke up and jumped off the bed and hit the floor, hard. He got up and grumbled rubbing his nose. Hecate was grinning at him from across the bed, Percy glared, "there's a special place in Hades for people like you."

"Yes, I know. It's called the throne." Hecate smiled, "I'm just letting Hades borrow it for now."

Percy looked at the window and gapped, "what the fuck?! The sun isn't even up yet! What time is it?"

"5," Hecate shrugged.

"5?! 5?! It's 5 in the fucking morning?!" Percy roared, "why did you wake me up at 5 in the fuckign morning?!"

"Because it's time to begin your training," Hecate smiled, "I let you sleep last night because you were exhausted, but now you are rested and it's time to begin your training!"

Percy got up, "I hate you."

"No you don't!" Hecate smiled as she walked to the room door.

"Wait, let me wash up first," Percy grumbled, "shit! Forgot, no toothbrush."

"No problem," Hecate snapped her fingers and suddenly Percy felt a wave of energy cover him. His teeth suddenly felt cleaner as well as his face.

Percy touched his smooth skin, "what did you do?"

"It's a cleaning charm, very basic, don't worry, I'll teach it too you, now come on, we need to get you feed and then we need to train you."

Percy nodded as he quickly followed the goddess downstairs. She quickly walked up to the bar and motioned for Percy to join her.

Tom then came over and smiled, "ah Percy, how did you sleep?"

"Very well Tom, thank you," Percy smiled, "I'm surprised you're up this early."

"Oh I get customers at all times of the day, I make it a habit to wake up early. Now I suppose you'll be eating that breakfast of yours yes?"

Percy nodded, "yes please." he then turned to Hecate, "do you want something?"

The goddess raised an eyebrow, "you serious?"

Percy shrugged, "hey I don't know if you eat or not. I've seen my dad eat food several times, so I guessed you did too."

"Hmm, well it's mostly just for cosmetic reason...what the heck, sure. It's the Fates' money anyway," Hecate shrugged, "one Leaky soup Tom, and add extra cheese please."

Tom smiled, "coming right up miss."

As they waited for their meal Percy turned to the goddess of magic, "alright, so what's the plan oh goddess?

"Tone down the sarcasm kid."

"I do that when someone wakes me up at 5 in the morning," Percy glared.

Hecate rolled her eyes, "anyway, I was thinking we go shopping first. Get you some clothes, some proper wizarding tools, a chest, well, no maybe not yet. You know, whatever is useful."

"Do I get a wand?" Percy asked with sparkling eyes.

"No," Hecate replied flatly.

"What?! Why?"

"You get a wand when I say you get a wand, we first need to find out how good you are. If I am going to train you then I am going to train you my way, and I say that you get no wand until you prove you are good enough for it."

Percy grumbled, "great. Alright then tell me something, how come some mortals are wizards and others aren't?"

Hecate looked surprised, "what brought this up?"

"Well while I was walking yesterday I started thinking, if there is a secret society of magic users in the world, then why isn't everyone a magic user? I mean, what makes someone a wizard or a witch?"

"Not bad kid, lesson number one: always ask the right kind of question. And that right there was the right kind of question. You see it all had to do with the divine and the mortal world."

Percy raised an eyebrow, "how so?"

"Alright tell me, what separates the two worlds?"

"The Mist."

"Correct, but you see just because the Mist makes it so that you can't see the divine world, doesn't mean it's not there. You see in the ancient past there was no Mist, so the two worlds mixed freely. This constant mixture of both worlds gave birth to a new race, humans with the ability to use magic."

"So...exposure to the divine world makes a human….magical?"

"Exactly. You see inside every human is a spark of divinity, a soul if you will, or as the magicals call it, a core. If a child, or an infant, is introduced to the divine world their souls get ignited and they awaken a small form of divinity, that divinity is the ability to perform magic. And once that ability is unlocked it can be passed down through generations and generations."

"So anyone can perform magic?" Percy asked.

"Yes, well provided they have a ignited soul that is," Hecate paused as Tom had returned with their meals.

Percy thanked him and payed the man. Once he was gone he asked, "so what about my mom? She had me, a demigod, why isn't she magical?"

"Because one's soul can only be ignited as a child," Hecate explained as she sipped her soup, "say for example your mother had a twin that was joined at the hip. They have different bodies but were fused at the hip. And now say they are both pregnant, your mom with you and her twin with some other child and not by a god. Now while you won't influence your mother or her twin, the child, who is basically your next door neighbour, will most definitely become a witch or wizard."

"So...suppose I have a kid, will he be magical?"