Chapter 11: Privet Drive

The seamstress shook her head, "sorry dear we don't. But I think there is a good second hand store down the street, a store called 'Muggle wears and ends'. Good store, reputed business."

They quickly got the robes made, Percy was honestly impressed, they looked very nice, though it still bothered him that he was expected to wear this all the time. It honestly reminded him of a bathrobe, okay to wear once in awhile, but not all the freaking time!

"Hey Hecate, what's a muggle?" Percy asked once they left the store.

"Oh right, well it's what wizarding fold call mortals," Hecate explained.

"Seriously? They call them that?" Percy shivered, "I don't know why but I don't like it. It's sound so...racist."

Hecate chuckled, "it is."

"What do you mean?"

"Well I was hoping to hold off on this conversation for some time, but I suppose better now than never. You see magical people are...kind of racist."

Percy checked, "you're joking."

"Nope. 100% serious. You see wizards don't actually know how they got their magic. They don't' know about the divine world remember? So they just assumed it was a power they had since time, not realising it was a result of the divine world interacting with them. So they grew arrogant, prideful, claimed that the older a bloodline was, the purer it was. And the purer it was, the stronger their claims to magic was, meaning older families, or pure bloods of you will, consider themselves superior to everyone else."

"Okay, so when you say pure, you really mean inbred right?"

"Exactly," Hecate served, "inbred like you wouldn't believe. Seriously Percy, they are all related to each other one way or another. Anyway so now we have purebloods, the head of the magical community, and they hate muggles. Well not all of them, but you get the point. But as you remember me telling you, magical people can still be created due to interaction from the divine. Meaning a child with mortal parents could become a witch or wizard. These types of wizards are what is called muggle born, and believe me when I say, they are hated."

Percy groaned, "great, so I'm stuck in a place where people are racists, dressed like victorian era england, probably can spy on my very thoughts and what else? Oh, right, can and probably will try to kill me if they find out I'm a demigod. Just lovely."

Hecate chuckled as they quickly found the store which madam Malkin spoke off. Inside Percy grabbed whatever he thought was useful, a couple of jeans, a few shirts and of course plenty of hoodies. The man at the counter was an idiot, he tried to sell Percy pyjamas claiming it was what muggles wore when going to work. That gave Percy a clear look on just how little wizards knew about mortals.

Eventually they went back to the Leaky Cauldron for a late lunch. Percy order a plate of shepherd's pie while Hecate just ordered a Leaky soup again.

"So what's next?" Percy asked.

"Next? Well next we go home and begin," Hecate smiled, "I have to say, I wasn't all that excited to train you before. When the Fates came to me and asked for my help I agreed only out of compulsion, but now, well I'm glad I said yes."

Percy raised an eyebrow, "why's that?"

"Well partly because that means you're my slave for the next six months," Hecate grinned as she licked her lips, "and I'm your master. I think you can see where I'm going with this."

Percy gulped, "lady, I will cut you into little pieces."

Hecate laughed, "oh so cute! Relax Percy, I'm just messing with you." Percy sighed and Hecate continued, "besides I don't need to do anything, you'll come to me all on your own."

Percy blushed, "no I won't!"

Hecate shrugged, "that's what they all say. Seriously, I am excited, it's been so long since I've had a student. Usually I'm stuck with teaching old men and women who have become strong enough to warrant my attention. You're the first one who has come to me with no form of magical training at all. Plus you are a demigod, the possibilities are virtually endless for what I can do with you."

Percy was surprised, "so you're excited because you want to turn me into a weapon?"

Hecate shrugged, "not really. Call it a researcher's curiosity. I want to see how far I can get with you. Admit it Jackson, even you are a bit excited."

Percy shrugged, "well I suppose that's true. This place might be filled with racists but...well it's magic. Who can say no to magic?"

Hecate smiled as she and Percy quickly finished their lunch. Once done Hecate took Percy by the hand and walked to the room with the entrance to Diagon alley. She told him to hang on tight,and suddenly she began to spin on the spot.

And Percy's world turned.

He felt his body being squeezed, his shoulder's hunched into his body as he was pushed through what felt like a tiny tube. He then started to spin around and around as the London skyline flashed below him.

Suddenly the trip stopped. Percy came flying out as he rolled along the ground. He picked himself up and growled, "what was that?"

Hecate chuckled, "careful, you might start-" Percy's head throb when suddenly his stomach startled to churn causing him to vomit out all he ate. "Sigh, don't worry Percy, happens to everyone."

Hecate snapped her fingers dismissing the vomit. She helped Percy to his feet, the demigod's head was still spinning, but he quickly realised that he was no long in the Leaky Cauldron.

He stood in the middle of a road with identical buildings on either side. He looked at the street sign, 'Privet Drive'.