Chapter 12: What? Seriously?

"How did we get here?" Percy asked.

"Apparition," Hecate explained, "the wizarding way of teleporting."

"Okay, I'm so not going to do that." Percy grumbled, "why is my head still spinning?!"

Hecate chuckled as she snapped her fingers causing Percy's head suddenly clear up, "better?"

Percy grumbled, "much. You should have done that in the first place."

"Apologize," Hecate said, though her smirk told him she didn't really feel sorry. "Now, let's find your new home shall we?"

Percy nodded as he and Hecate walked down the road. They quickly found number 7, the house was locked and the shades drawn. Hecate walked up to the house and snapped her fingers unlocking the door.

Percy walked inside and found the place bare. There was no furniture, when he went to turn on the light's he found that they didn't work yet. Percy couldn't help grumble, "okay, so no power, no bed and from what I can feel no water supply as well."

"Patience young one, we just bought the land today, you can't expect the mortals to have everything ready by the time we get here," Hecate snapped her fingers conjuring two very comfortable looking lounge chairs out of thin air.

Percy was impressed, he sat down on the chair and sighed, "this feels nice."

"Thank you, it has a cheering charm on it, helps relax the user," Hecate explained, "don't worry about the lights and water Percy, they will be activated by tomorrow morning."

Percy nodded, "thank you," he looked outside and sighed, "at least we can count on not being interrupted. This place looks super boring."

Hecate nodded, "one of the reasons I chose this place."

"Really? There are more?"

"Yup. You see there is a young wizarding boy who lives just down this road at number 4, his name is Harry Potter. His house has some powerful blood wards on it, makes this entire neighborhood a very safe place from witches and wizards. That's why the witch at the broker store said nobody liked it, they were being pushed away by the wards."

"And I'm assuming because we are divine and not just magical we can push past these wards?"

"Exactly, they are designed to keep out witches and wizards, not gods and goddess. But in their defence there isn't much that can keep out one of us. Hence this is the perfect place for you to stay and for me to train you. Any other questions?"

Percy raised his hand. Hecate sighed, "yes, you with the face."

"Can I have my wand soon?"



Hecate conjured a futon for him to sleep on. Percy slept on the ground floor, and while sleep didn't come easy to him, he did wake up feeling refreshed. He didn't have any dreams last night, but something told him that won't always be the case.

"Get in here Jackson!" Percy heard Hecate call out for him from the kitchen. Percy grumbled as he got up and walked to the kitchen finding Hecate hunched over a pot boiling something. She noticed him and smiled, "the water started working."

"Thank the Gods," Percy yawned, "what are you doing?"

"Making a potion," Hecate the snapped her fingers summoning what looked like a twig with red leaves. She took the twig and carefully plucked and poured the leaves into the boiling water.

"What is it?"

"It's something that will help you with studying," Hecate informed him as she turned off the stove and summoned two ceramic cups. She then dipped the cups into the pot and took out the boiling water offering it to Percy.

Percy nodded curiously as he took the cup, "thanks, what is it?"

"Tea," Hecate smiled as she drank the liquid, "with a little bit of betel leaves. Just to give a little oomph for your drink."

"That isn't a potion."

"Oh? And what is it then?"

"It's tea, not magic."

"Well we can agree to disagree then."

Percy shrugged, he sipped the tea and found he quite liked it's bitter taste. "So what time is it?" Percy yawned as he looked outside seeing that it was still very early.

"It's around 6," Hecate shrugged as she and Percy walked pack to the main hall and sat in the lounge chairs, "perfect time for magic."

Percy nodded, "so today is when we finally start training yes?"

Hecate nodded, "yup."

"Well how exactly are we going to do that? Since you know, I don't have a wand?" Percy glared by the goddess simply shrugged his glare off.

"There are many wizarding arts that doesn't require a wand," Hecate told Percy, "most of them are just theory though."

Percy groaned, "oh come on? Really?! I get to learn magic, but first I have to read it off of a stupid book?!"

"Why? Do you have something against books?" Hecate asked surprised.

"Their okay, but I most often learn better when I actually do something. Like one time I tried to learn physics of current but I couldn't understand shit, but then Annabeth helped me out by showing me physically how an electron would move."

Hecate looked impressed, "amazing, so I should take the practical aproach you say?"

Percy shrugged, "I would learn better that way."

"I see…'re still not getting a wand."

"Oh come on!"

"Sorry kiddo, but until I'm sure you can handle it, no wand for you."

"Fine," Percy grumbled, "so what are we going to start with?"

"Well I was thinking a lecture on the different types of magic," Hecate smiled, "should be fun!"

Percy groaned, "Gods kill me now."

"Right, so let's begin. What's the difference between divine magic and mortal magic?"

Percy sighed, "ah, I don't know?"

"Well, guess."

"Hm...mortal magic is weaker than divine magic?"

"Correct, but why?"

"Because...well divine magic is godly magic, and if magic comes from a person's soul, then obviously godly magic is more powerful because it comes from the soul of a god and not a mortal."

Hecate smiled, "correct. And you said you hated theory."

"Well you didn't make it boring, so yeah."

Hecate nodded, "I think I'm beginning to understand that the best way to teach you is through interactive methods. Should be easy. Now, you are correct, magic comes from the soul, mortal magic is thereby much less powerful. But did you know that gods don't have souls?"

"What? Seriously?"