Chapter 16: Yanky huh!

"Yeah, it felt so amazing! Like everything I learnt coming together for one purpose," Percy smiled, "of gods I fell so many new ideas running through my head! Lion tail, it is a symbol of bravery, I can make an elixir of bravery with that! Oh, and a basilisk's venom, I can use that to create a cure for paralysis! All I would have to do is reduce to lethality rate of the venom and make it so that it jump starts the drinker's nervous system!"

"Slow down there Jackson, don't get ahead of yourself," Hecate smiled, "I'll admit you have talent, but there is still a lot you don't know, and a lot I need to teach you."

Percy grinned, "bring it magic queen."

"Oh I like that. Don't forget, you asked for this."

And for the next week and a half Percy was tortured mercilessly by Hecate. But now it wasn't all just boring note taking. Percy was actually making potions he could use for a day to day basis.

He created a dream away potion, his creation, that used coffee beans to keep himself awake and alert. This way he could stay awake longer and get more work done. And then there was also the '3 hour relax' drink that helped Percy sleep for 3 hours but feel as if he had rested for 7. It was one of the more advanced potions he made, with the help of Hecate of course.

"Alright then, it's been two week since we started and dare I say you might be good enough to take you OWLs in potions," Hecate said one morning.

"I'm sorry, OWLs?"

"Oh, right, it's like the SAT'S in America, except it's in UK and it's for wizards. It's called the ordinary wizarding levels, or OWLs for short. It's essentially everything you need till the fifth year of Hogwarts, which is what we are aiming for."

"So basically we need to get me us to speed until I'm good enough to be OWL level?" Percy asked.


"Huh, okay, so now that potions is done, what's next?"

"Runes and Arithmancy," Hecate grinned.

"Oh what do they do?" Percy asked excited, potions started out interesting but quickly became a driving force for Percy's studies into magic. He hoped this would be the same.

"Well runes is essentially magic spells and words given a written form. It's very powerful, if you know how to use it. And arithmancy is the study of magic and spells using numbers to quantify everything from the amount of magic used to the spell movements needed."

Percy's shoulders dropped, "really? …..really?"

"What's wrong? Sounds too boring for you?" Hecate teased.

"Yes! Gods be damned woman I have been stuck in this house for two weeks!" Percy roared as he started pacing, "at the beginning was fun, I got to learn about magic and made potions! But damn, I need to go out! I'm not an inside person in case you don't know!"

Hecate frowned, "well I suppose you are right."

Percy sighed, "thank you."

"Alright, fine, you can have the day off," Hecate grumbled, "but tomorrow you are hitting the books!" Hecate snapped her fingers and summoned a wad of pounds handing it to Percy, "don't spend it all at once, I will not give you more, got that?"

Percy grinned, "yes ma'am!" Percy quickly ran up stairs where he kept all of his clothes and quickly changed to something nice. They still didn't have furniture in the house, and frankly Percy didn't mind. He didn't like this house, all he ever did was study there, and he might be old fashioned, but one should not live where they study.

Percy practically ran out of the house as he took a deep breath and calmed himself. Today was the 5th of March, Percy quite frankly was excited. Today was the first day he could spend without all the magic and learning BS, and he intended to make the most out of it. Obviously Hecate hadn't informed him that Hogwarts was a boarding school.

Little whinging was a big town, Percy honestly had no idea where he should go or what he should do. He continued walking down the road until he reached what looked like a local park. Percy walked in and strolled along the place.

The park had a small pond in the middle with ducks and geese flying around the area. Percy found a bench near the water body and sat down content to enjoy the view.

"Get him!" Percy turned around and saw a gang of teenagers chase down what looked like a little boy. They were on the other side of the park and were quickly running towards Percy. The boy looked around 10 years old and scared as hell. He kept running and running, but the gang of older boys were quickly catching up with him.

Percy sighed, 'don't be a hero. Don't be a hero. Don't be a hero...sigh, why do I even bother? Of course I'm going to be a hero.'

Percy got up and slowly walked in front of the boy's path. He let the boy pass by him without an issue, but when the teenagers approached him Percy stood his ground.

Percy raised an eyebrow, "can I help you?"

"Yeah you bloody yanky! Move!" the leader, a boy was fat, he had three chins and seemingly three bellies as well. His clothes were tight, but very expensive looking, all branded items.

His friends on the other hand were all thin, but had a raggedy look about them. Their eyes were darkened, their hands a little shaky. Percy didn't need to be wearing a blood band of knowledge to know what was happening. There were junkies, or atleast trying to be.

"Yanky huh? Is that supposed to be an insult? Because I kind of feel insulted," Percy pouted.

"Yes it was!" the fat leader yelled, "now move!" He tried to push past Percy, but the demigod quickly hooked his hand around fat boy's waist and push the boy back with a simple jerk of his hand.

The boy landed on his ass and looked up in surprise, "how did you do that?!"

Percy shrugged, "simple, I'm stronger than you," Percy then turned around just in time to see the little boy they were chasing run out of the park. "Alright then, sorry about standing in your way. I'll be going."