Chapter 17: Nothing!

The group was surprised as Percy quickly walked away from them towards the park's exit, he didn't' want to stay here any longer.

"Hey! Get back here!" the fat boy was up once again.

Percy sighed, 'somehow I knew this would happen,' he groaned and turned around, "look kiddos I don't have time for this. So how about we avoid any...unpleasant events. Yes?"

"You let Wrapper get away you cunt!" a boy to the right yelled out, "he owed us money!"

Percy raised an eyebrow, "really? Why?"

"We don't need to answer to you!" the fat boy yelled, before he grinned, "but it's okay, since you let him go you are just going to have to cover his expenses."

Percy raised an eyebrow, "really? Me?" Percy snorted, the demigod stood at six feet while the kids around here were barely five foot and a half.

"Really," the fat boy stepped up cracking his knuckles, "now hand over your cash and I won't hurt you, much."

Percy smiled, "wow, you really have that intimidating bully thing down pat huh?"

"Give me your money asshole!"

"Or what?"

"Or I'll beat it out of you!"

Percy laughed, "please! You don't look like you can beat yourself out of a paper bag!"

"ARGH!" the fat boy roared as he charged at Percy and swung his fist forward clipping Percy's jaw. The moment he made impact however his fleshy hand felt like it hit something hard. Before he could stop himself, his hand pushed into Percy's jaw, the pressure was too much, the boy's wrist snapped.


"AHHH!" the boy yelled as he held his wrist in pain.

Percy raised an eyebrow, "huh, neat," Percy smiled, he had nearly forgotten about the curse of Achilles that he had. The curse made him invulnerable to any physical attack, least of all from a mortal.

"Big D!" the boy next to boy cried out as they helped their friend out. "What's wrong?!"

"He broke my fucking wrist!" Dudley cried out as he held his hand in pain.

"Shit man!" the boys looked horrified as they turned to Percy, "what are you?!"

"Me? Oh, I'm nothing special, I suggest you get your friend to a hospital though, he doesn't look too good." Percy smiled.

"Let's get out of here!" the boys yelled as they grabbed their large friend and quickly ran away from Percy.

The demigod chuckled, 'well that was new,' he quickly walked out of the park, he didn't think he could relax anymore in that place.

He quickly walked into the commercial heart of town and spotted several stores all around him. There was a clothing store, a furniture place, a couple of dinners and even a theater.

Percy quickly went into a pizza parlor called 'Habit's pizza' and got himself a slice. He then walked around the small town enjoying the sights. After the pizza Percy decided it would be best to see a movie, he looked inside and unfortunately he saw that the only movies playing were old timely movies.

'Seriously? Why are all these movies so old? Don't these people have anything after the year 2000?' Percy wondered, and then he realised that he was not exactly in modern times. Meaning all the 'old' movies he saw playing in the theater was actually just recently released, meaning to them they were brand new.

'Oh my Gods, I won't be able to see new movies until 2009!' Percy realised in horror, 'not only that I won't' be able to see anything entertaining at all! I know every movie that is going to come out for the next 15 years! Well the good ones anyway, and now I'm stuck with this!'

Percy slumped his shoulder, "fuck my life."

Eventually Percy ended up seeing a movie he was already familiar with, Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. The movie was okay, though it felt like watching a rerun on CBS. After the movie Percy couldn't help overhear other people talking about how great the movie was, and how Jim Carrey seemed like he would do well in comedy. Percy couldn't help laughing, they had no idea.

Percy had a nice day, there wasn't anything extraordinary about the day, other than that little fight he had with those boys. The demigod enjoyed the little break he took, it was exactly what he needed.

That night Percy was sleeping on his comfy futon yet again. But suddenly he felt someone shove him back and forth shaking him awake.

Percy yawned as he got up rubbing his eyes, he looked up to see Hecate standing above him, "what do you want?"

"Get up Percy, we have work to do."

"What?" Percy said groggily, "what do you mean?"

"Get up, now," Hecate kicked his shin making Percy wince in pain. "I'll be upstairs, come quickly or the next kick will be between your legs."

Percy grumbled, "stupid gods."

"What was that?"


Hecate took Percy to the smallest bedroom in the house and opened the window letting the cold night air inside.

Percy shivered for a moment before his body quickly adapted to the cold, Percy was surprised, he never had this power before.

But he just chalked it up to one of the man bonuses of the curse of Achilles.

"Okay, so what exactly are we doing here? It must be what? Midnight? I need my sleep you know."

"Oh shut up," Hecate snapped her fingers summoning a bronze telescope from thin air. She pushed the telescope to the window and looked through it, "and for your information we are here because I decided now that you finished potions, maybe you can start learning a little bit about the stars as well."

Percy raised an eyebrow, "wait, so astronomy is a magical subject?"

"You bet," Hecate adjusted the scope before removing herself from the eye piece, "you see magic has a connection to everything. It is most attuned with Earth, the very planet we live on. But you see the other celestial bodies out there, the planets and the stars, they also have an effect on us."

"But wait, how is that even possible? I mean they are so far away."

"Tell me Percy, how do we know that the sun if hot?"