Chapter 26: It's Pretty!

"Hecate please stop! Your drunk!" Percy had to duck at that point to avoid a bottle that came flying at his face. "Holy Pegasus!"

"You're being mean Percy! I don't like mean people!" Hecate growled as she threw another bottle at Percy who jumped away. "Get back here and face me like a man!"

"Fuck no!" Percy yelled back as he ran out off the kitchen and to the living room just as the a bottle sailed over his head. He ran up the stairs, but the Hecate snapped her fingers and the steps turned into a slide causing Percy to slide back down.

"You are going to apologize!" Hecate roared as she grabbed….was that a flower?

"Ah...are you holding a flower?" Percy asked.

Hecate looked at the sunflower in her hands and blinked, "yes...why am I holding a sunflower?"

"...I don't know. Don't ask me."

Hecate then chuckled, "oh yeah! I remember! I love sun flowers! That's why! You know," she looked around the living room and smiled, "we need to add more sun flowers in this place!"

She snapped her fingers and suddenly a field of sunflowers grew inside the living room. Hecate giggled with joy as she jumped into the bed of sunflowers flinging her arms and legs around, "wee!"

Percy not to his feet and blinked as Hecate tired to did back strokes on them singing a song that he didn't recognize. 'She is a crazy drunk!'

"I love sunflowers! You think things live inside sunflowers? Like little pixies? Oh! I should make them!" Hecate snapped her fingers and suddenly bright balls of light emerged out of the flowers and danced around, Percy saw them and noticed that they had four tiny bug wings and one giant glowing body.

"Percy! Look at the pretty lights!" Hecate chuckled as she jumped on her feet, "I want to be pretty too!" he then snapped her fingers and suddenly exploded into a rainbow of lights. "Yay! Preety!"

Percy blinked as he started at the goddess of magic dancing around in a field of sunflowers. 'This is so random!' Percy slowly backed away to the stairs, he could still walk up the slide, but before he could try anything Hecate noticed him and grinned.

"Where do you think you're going?!" Hecate chuckled, "you're staying with me cutie!" She snapped her fingers and suddenly Percy found himself much shorter than he was.

Percy looked down in horror and found his hands small hairy and fluffy. "NOOOO!" Percy squeezed as he stood at one feet height in the body of a pink fluffy bunny.

"Yay!" Hecate cheered as she ran to grab Percy, "you so fluffy!"

Percy ran away as fast as his tiny paws could take him, "get away from me you crazy bitch!" he jumped into the field of sunflowers and ran around in circles as Hecate ran stumbled to catch him.

"Come back here Percy! I'm want to hug you!"

"NO!" Percy yelled and suddenly Hecate snapped her fingers and Percy flew backwards like a ball which Hecate caught.

"Yay! Fluffy bunny!" Hecate grinned as she squeezed him tightly and jumped onto the bed of sunflowers, "I'm never going to let you go!"

Percy struggled as he whipped around his tiny paws desperately, "help me! Somone help! Dad! Mom! Fates! Someone please help me!"

But no one came. Hecate soon dozed off and Percy tried, and failed to get out of her death grip. Eventually he got too tired to fight back and promptly fell asleep.

Next day morning Hecate woke up and looked around stunned, "why am I sleeping on sunflowers? ….why are there sunflowers?" She looked down and saw herself glowing in multiple lights, "why am I glowing?"

Percy groaned awake as he looked around with his black bunny eyes, "please Hecate, for the love of all that is good change me back."

Hecate looked at the bunny in her hands and blinked, "a bunny? When did I…..Percy?! On Gods no!"

She snapped her fingers and suddenly Percy was human again. He looked at his hands and cried in joy, "yes! Yes! Thank you God! I hate being a bunny!"

"Oh Gods Percy I'm so sorry! I don't know what happened! I...I'm kind of weird when I'm drunk."

"Gee you think?!" Percy yelled back, "from now on you don't drink! Ever! Got it?! I don't think the fabrics of reality can hold together if you do!"

Hecate nodded quickly, "right! I promise! No more drinking!"

"Good!" Percy looked around and grumbled, "now please clean this up! And not one word off this to anyone, got it?" Hecate agreed and they both swore never to speak of that time again.


Percy sighed as he sipped his coke from his extra large cup. He walked out of the movies once again disappointed by the movie he just saw.

To everyone else here the movie was new and interesting, but for Percy it was ancient history. Well maybe not ancient, but definitely old.

It was the end of May, a little over three months had passed by since Percy came back to 1994.

He had spent most of that time being trained into the dirt by a slave driving goddess of magic, but he didn't mind.

After all it was magic! Who didn't want to learn magic!?

Although to be honest Percy did feel like simply snapping his wand and running away just to get rid of it all.

It was interesting, but God's, one can only learn the same stupid thing over and over until they almost lose their mind!

And that was why days like this was there.

Days when Hecate allowed Percy to move about freely in Surrey and allow him to experience a mortal life.

He got a day off every other week, and mostly Percy ued that time to see a movie or walk around in the park.

Today Percy saw a movie called 'When a Man Loves a Woman,' a sappy romantic drama. He didn't really see these kinds of films, but that was the point.

The movies he did already see would bore the hell out of him, so if he ever wanted to see something new and interesting he would need to improve his choice in movies.