Chapter 27: Racist!

To be honest though Percy didn't mind the film, though he would never admit this to anyone.

The film was about a woman who was an alcoholic that is helped to sober up by her husband. It was sad, it was sappy and honestly had a lot of heart.

Though if you saw Percy tear up in the end he would swear up and down it was because the theater was dusty.

Percy looked up and saw the sun setting in the distance, he didn't have to go home just yet, he still had some time for himself.

He walked down the street when he saw a pair of boys and a pair of girls walk in front of him.

The woman looked around Percy's age, maybe a bit younger. The boys though... Percy narrowed his eyes, the boys looked familiar, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

One of the boys looked like a little rat, with large front teeth and a skinny frame, while the other was fat, like the size of a small whale fat.

The small puff of hair on the top his head honestly looked like a toupee, and it's bowl cut hair style wasn't gaining him any favours.

"So did you like the movie Cassy?" the fat boy asked in a tone Percy recognized, the kid was head over heels in love.

"It was really good," the girl, Classy maybe, replied. She had black hair that came down to her shoulders. Her friend and her both wore a white shirt and black and green checked skirt, it looked like a school uniform.

"Yeah, thanks for the tickets fat ass," the other girl smirked.

This one had brown hair with blonde streaks running through it. "Still don't understand how your parents let you spend so much money."

"Oh that's because little Dudely here is rich as fuck! All he has to do is put on an innocent face and mommy and daddy will come running to him!" The thin boy said with a snort.

"Shut up Piers! That's very rude!" Cassie yelled out.

"Bite me bitch."

"Is that anyway to talk to your sister?!"

"Only when she acts like a stuck up brat!"

"Apologize right now Piers! Or I swear to God I'll tell mom you skipped school today to come with us to the theater!"

"So what? You and Jenny will get in trouble too!"

"No, I won't, today was a half day for us, so we won't."

"Gr...fine, I'm sorry," Pier looked away grumbling under his breath while Casey and Jenny looked happy at the younger boy's suffering.

Percy chuckled, he couldn't help it, the way they acted reminded him so much of himself and Annabeth. The group heard Percy chuckled and turned around.

The demigod ignored their stares and walked passed them, his head filled with nostalgic memories of his past, or future, life.

"Hey Dudley, isn't that the guy who beat you up?" Piers asked frowning in recollection.

"Piers!" Dudley hissed as he quickly put his hand over his mouth.

"What was that?" Cassy perked up, "who did what?"

"Nothing!" Dudley cried out, "he didn't say anything." Piers looked like he wanted to say something but one glare from Dudley shut the boy up.

"Dudley," Cassy narrowed her eyes, "what did that boy do to you?"

"Nothing Cassy I swear-"

"-Dudley," Cassy cut into his rambling, "tell me. Please."

Dudley looked at Piers and sighed. He removed his hand from the boy's mouth and hung his head in shame, "a few days ago that guy beat me up and took my money. He then...he then broke my wrist."

"That's why your are was in a sling for a week?" Jenny asked turning to glare at Percy's retreating form, "I thought you said you sprained when cleaning your room?"

Dudley looked up guiltily, "yeah, I know. I lied. I …..didn't want you to think less of me," shooting Cassy a pleading look.

The older girl's heart broke at Dudley's defeated look. He was the kindest sweetest boy she knew, and didn't deserve to be treated like this. She turned to Percy and glared taking off in a pint of rage.

"Cassy no stop!" Dudley called out as they chased after the girl.

"Hey you!" Cassy called out.

Percy looked up at the stars and smiled, 'Zoe isn't up there yet, she's alive. I wonder if I could see here again?' He was lost in his own mind, not paying attention to the girl charging at him.

"Hey!" Cassy called out pulled Percy back by the shoulder. The demigod turned around in surprise and saw Cassy glare down at him.

Percy raised an eyebrow, "can I help you?"

Cassy growled, "yeah, my friend, you broke his wrist, I want you to apologize."

Dudley and the others had caught up by now, and Dudley called out, "please Cassy, don't-"

"-No Dudley! This guy deserves it! He bullied you!" Cassy snapped to Percy, "you hurt my friend, apologize right now and I won't call the coppers on you."

Percy raised an eyebrow, "okay….I'm sorry but what?"

Cassy growled, "don't act like you don't know! You broke Dudley's wrist!" Cassy pointed at the fat boy who smirked in triumph.

Percy looked between the fat boy and the girl currently glaring him down and sighed. 'One evening, can't I just have one evening alone?'. "Look lady I don't who you are and I don't care. So please leave me alone."

Cassy looked pissed, "not until you apologize to my friend you Yancky!"

"There's that word again, Yanky, I don't know why but I feel so dirty every time I hear it. It's like a slur, did you mean it like a slur?"

"What? Well...yes!"

"Well….then you are a racist."

"What?!" their eyes shot open.

"What? Just because I'm from a different country I deserve to be called by a slur? Screw you lady, and you, fat boy," Percy glared at Dudley and glared, "I didn't lift a finger on you last time, and you still ended up with a broken hand. What do you think I can do if you really piss me off?"

Dudley gulped as he quickly went to Cassy, "come on Cassie, we need to go."