Chapter 28: Wild Animal!

Dudley gulped as he quickly went to Cassy, "come on Cassie, we need to go."

"No Dudely," Cassy pulled away from the boy glaring at Percy, "we can't let him get away with this."

Percy sighed, "look lady I don't even know what you don't want me to get away with!"

"You bullied Dudley and broke his hand!"

"Okay, first off, I didn't bully the fat boy," Percy glared again at Dudley causing him to flinch once more, "if anything I stopped him from bullying someone."

"What?" Cassy turned around and looked to Dudely only for the boy to be unable to meet her eyes.

"Yeah, he was chasing some brat for cash, and I got in his way. And then he got angry and tried to hit me. As far as I'm concerned he got what he got, now kindly fuck off," Percy turned around and walked away.

Cassy growled and chased after him, "where do you think you're going?! You think I'll just believe such a lie?! Dudley is the sweetest boy in the world! He would never do something like that!"

"Then you don't know the fat ass as well as you think," Percy shot back.

"ARGH! Where do you get off calling someone that?!"

"Where do you get odd accusing someone without proof?" Percy began walking back to the residential area of Surrey with the little gang of teenagers following him. He saw the entrance to the park and decided to go through it, it was shorter through it than around.

"I have proof!"

"The word of a bully isn't enough."

"He isn't a bully!"

"Yes he is!"

"No he isn't! I've known him since birth! He would never do something like that!"

"Obviously not," Percy rolled his eyes, "why would he show you that? He's obviously not going to advertise that he's an asshole."

"I'm not an asshole!" Dudley called back.

"Yes you are, you are a giant one," Percy shot back a glare, "now stop following me twerps!"

"We can do whatever we want!" Cassy jumped in front of Percy stopping him in his track. She crossed her arms and glared up at him, "apologize to Dudley right now."

"Or what? You'll beat me up?" Percy chuckled.

"No...or I'll tell your parents."

Percy couldn't help snorting, "yeah good luck with that."

Cassy looked taken back, "what? W-why is that?" She looked like she was afraid of the answer.

Percy couldn't help laughing, "no no, they aren't dead. It's just...complicated. Anyway step off, I get one free day a week and I don't want to spend it getting insulted by a little girl who has no idea what she's talking about."

Cassy gaped as Percy stepped around her and walked further into the park. The sun was nearly gone now, the park had gotten really dark. The trees became dark as the shadows took over the grounds. The street lights came on, but Percy still didn't feel safe. He wanted to get out of this place, now.

Cassy finally snapped out of her daze and turned around, "get back here you bloody yanky!"

"Fuck off you racist Brit!"

"Not until you apologize for hurting my friend!"

Percy stopped and turned around. He growled and Cassy backed up startled by his actions. He walked over her as Cassy backed up into Dudley and the rest who were cuddled together. Percy towered over the group with his impressive height and stared them down.

"Listen carefully because I won't repeat myself. I didn't hit the fat shit. He punched me and he broke his hand because he obviously didn't know how to punch. It was an accident he caused. So for the last time as you Brits would say, bugger off, stop following me and for the love of the Gods, don't call me a Yankee! Got it?!"

The group nodded as one. Percy smiled as he backed away, "good. Now run along, I have more important things to-"


Percy startled as he whipped his head towards the sound. It sounded like a branch breaking, expect what broke it sounded big and very heavy. Percy felt the hair on his neck rise up, his gut told him to be weary, something was coming, something bad.

Percy threw away his soda and grabbed Riptide out. He had his wand strapped to his hand, but he couldn't' use that, the Mist would protect him if he used Riptide, but it offered so such protection when dealing with magic. Stupid thing, so bloody fickle.

Percy turned to the teens, "leave. Now."

"What?" Jenny asked.

"I told you leave," Percy said as he looked around. He could see something moving in the shadows just behind the trees. It was big, it was hairy. And something told Percy it was coming for him. And that mean he needed to get the mortals away from him.

Cassy growled, "look brat I don't know who you think are, but we don't' have to listen to you!"

Percy looked at her and narrowed his eyes, "do you wish to live?"

"What?" Casey asked taken back.

"I asked you if you wished to live?" Percy repeated.

"Y-yeah, why?"

"Then leave, now," Percy looked around, 'there!' He saw something moving by the pond, it ran around the edge, but Percy could still catch up if he wished. "Listen, there is something in here with us, a wild animal maybe. So turn around and walk out the way you came in."

"An animal?!" Piers shrieked, "here?!"

"Yes, and shut up!" Percy hissed, "do you want it know where we are?" Piers gulped and shut his mouth. Percy turned to Cassy, "take them all and leave. Don't look back."

"W-what about you?" Casey asked.

"Don't worry, I can take care of myself," Percy then turned and ran towards the pond, "get out of here!"

Percy didn't bother to check if they listened to his warnings, he instead focused on the monster in front of him. He ran to the lake and looked around, he saw a footprint in the muddy area around the water, it was just here.

Percy flicked the cap off Riptide turning it into the bronze sword that saved his life many times over. Percy lowered his center of gravity and looked around, 'where are you?'
