Chapter 29: Bear!

Percy turned and swung his sword. "AW!" Cassie yelled, as Percy stopped himself inches from her neck.

Percy gasped as he quickly drew back his sword, "what are you doing here?! I told you to leave!"

"W-we didn't want to leave you here with an animal," Cassie said as she eyed Riptide, "where did you get a cricket bat?"

Percy raised an eyebrow as he looked at the sword, 'oh right, the Mist. To her Riptide must look like a bat.'

"Trade secret," Percy grumbled as he looked over her shoulder and found the rest of Cassy's friends standing behind her huddled together.

Percy sighed, "look it's sweet that you care, but I can handle myself. The best thing right now would be for you four to leave and never come-"


Percy turned just in time to see a blur of black jump out of the tall grass and charge at him.

'Hellhound!' Percy realised as he shoved Cassy away and swung at the monster's head.

The hellhound ducked under the swing and head butted Percy in the gut. Percy was sent flying back as the hellhound turned to Cassie and the rest.

"B-bear!" Dudley cried out as he ran behind Jenny shaking in fear.

"How is that a bear?! There are no bears in little Surrey!" Pier cried out.

The Mist had changed their perception, instead of a hellhound they saw a large bear, that was currently looking at them like they were his next meal.

Cassy was on the ground as she crawled back. She shock in fear as she started at the monster in horror.

The thing sniffed the air and looked down at the girl. Cassy flinched as the bear growled at her, slowly walking towards her.

'No! No! Not like this!' Cassie cried to herself as her life flashed before her eyes. She didn't want to die, she didn't want to be shredded into pieces by some animal!

The bear charged at her, "GRRR!"

Cassy put her arms up and yelled, "someone help!"

Percy shot forward, passed the mortal teenagers and into the hellhound. He hit the thing like a lead cannon ball sending the monster and himself flying into the lake.

The Hellhound tried to swim up to the surface but Percy caught it by its paw and pulled it into the pond's murky bed.

The hellhound scratched and clawed Percy tearing into his clothes, but it's claws didn't break Percy's skin, thank you curse of Achilles. The hound roared, but it's voice was was muffled by the water around.

Percy grinned, he controlled the water in here, here no one could beat him. He pushed the water to grab the hellhound and hold it steady.

The hound tried to move but found the very water around it pushing back. Percy then swung Riptide and in a flash of bronze the battle was over.

The hellhounds body slowly turned into golden dust, as Percy sighed in relief. He quickly turned Riptide back into a pen and swam up to the surface. He broke the water surface and walked to back to land.

'Where the Hades did that thing come from?' Percy wondered spitting out some of the mud that got into his mouth, 'did...did it follow my scent all the way to England? Am I really that powerful?'

"You're okay!" Percy looked up and found Casy and the others looking at him in wonder.

Percy rolled his eyes, 'right forgot about these guys,' Percy realised he needed to keep up his cover, can't risk them finding out about him.

Usually Percy would dry himself off when coming out of a water body, but now he had to will himself to let the water remain, if he walked out of a pond dry as a whistle there would definitely be questions asked.

"I'm fine," Percy sighed as he looked down, "though I might need a change of clothes."

Cassy and Jenny looked at Percy's ripped clothes and blushed. They could see his toned body underneath, they were just lucky it was dark or else everyone could see the red in their cheeks.

"Where's the bear?!" Piers asked as Percy walked on shore.

"Down in the bottom on the lake," Percy motioned behind him to the water.

"What?! How?!" Cassie asked.

"It drowned," Percy shrugged.

"It drowned?!" Jenny asked unbelievingly, "you drowned a bear?!"

"Well, not me, I just swam away until it drowned itself."

"You out swam a bear?!" Jenny asked in awe, "how?!"

"I'm the state swimming champion in America, no big deal," Percy shrugged, which was only half true. He probably could be the champion, he just never tried to be.

"Are you okay?" Callie asked in concern as she pushed aside Percy's torn shirt, "how did it not get you?"

"I have thick skin," Percy shrugged.

Cassy looked Percy up and down, "look we need to get you to a hospital immediately."

"Oh relax I'll be fine," Percy said waving her away, "I just need a bath and a change of clothes and I'll be peachy."

"You were just attacked by a bear!" Casey shoot back, "there's no way you are just fine!"

"And yet I am," Percy chuckled.

"You're a freak!" Dudley shouted out as everyone turned to him.

Percy raised an eyebrow, "what do you mean?"

"Y-you're a freak! There's no way a normal person can do all that! You are freak! Just like Harry!"

"Harry? Harry who?" Percy asked.

"Harry Potter, a troublemaker and Dudley's cousin," Jenny explained as he spat out the name.

Percy rummaged his head and remember something about this Harry Potter they were talking about.

He recalled something Hecate said about him, he was a wizard and he was the reason Percy lived here in the first place.

"Right...okay, well it's been fun gang, let's not do this again," Percy said as he walked away from them intent of reaching hom as fast as he could.

He needed to talk to Hecate about what just happened, something didn't sit right with him.

Percy walked out of the park and walked to privet drive. He looked back and found the mortal teenagers following him. He stopped and turned around, "I told you four to fuck off."