chapter 30:Freak!

"We aren't following you freak!" Dudley yelled with bravery that wasn't there before, it was like the very word freak gave Dudley a reason to be angry, "we are just going home."

Percy was surprised, "wait, so you all live in Privet drive as well?"

They looked surprised. "What do you mean as well? Do you live there too?" Jenny asked.

"Yes, I'm in number 7," Percy turned around and walked away.

"Hey wait!" Cassy said as they caught up to him. She walked besides him, "when did you move in?"

"At the end of February," Percy explained.

"But we haven't seen you!" Piers called out, "everytime I go there the windows are drawn."

"That's because my aunt is a little shy," Percy shrugged, "no big deal."

"No it's because he's a freak and he's too embarrassed to talk to us normal people," Dudley growled as he glared daggers into Percy's back.

"Dudley!" Cassie gasped, "why are you acting like this! Apologize at once!"

"Why should I? He's a no good freak! Like Harry!"

"He isn't a freak Dudley!"

"He just drowned a bear and came back without a scratch! And you don't think he's a freak?!"

Percy had enough. He turned around and walked up to Dudley so quickly the fat boy tripped and fell as he tried to get away.

Percy looked down at the boy and growled "listen very closely fat boy, I don't like being called a freak. I don't care what your problem is with this Harry guy, whether you secretly want to fuck him and have his children is your business, just don't involve me. And yeah you're right, I just took down a bear and drowned it, so what do you think I can do to you?"

Dudley kept quiet whimpering at Percy's snarl. Percy turned around and walked away. "Don't follow me," he told the others as he quickly walked away.

He reached home without incident, the other four didn't bother following him again. He entered the house and immediately dried himself, though by now he was half way dry already. "Hecate! We need to talk!"

The goddess walked down the stairs with a cup of tea and a book in hand. She looked at Percy in surprise, "you're home early, did something happen?"

"Yeah, something did."

They sat down at the table Percy used to study and quickly the demigod told her off his evening. At the end of the tale Hecate was surprised and very silent.

"So what do you think is going on?" Percy asked once he was done.

"Your are one of the most powerful demigods in the world, and your scent can only be that much more attractive to monsters. This one must have accidentally wandered off until it smelt you."

"How can a monster accidently wander into another country? Especially one that is separated from America by a freaking ocean."

"Tell me Percy have you heard about the labyrinth?"

"Well yeah, but it got destroyed last…..summer..." Percy remembered his adventure in the labyrinth, in the end it was destroyed. But here, in the past, it still existed, meaning monsters could still use it. "Shit."

"Indeed. We need to do something to stop your scent."

"Okay, makes sense. Do you have a spell or something for me to use?"

"No, no you don't understand. Your scent is a part of your demigod heritage. You can't really stop it by any mortal means, especially not something as mundane as a spell. No, for that you will need the help of a God. Or more specifically, your dad."

Percy's eyes shot open, "I'm sorry, what now?"

"Your father. We need his help, I have a way to stop the scent, but for that we need a single strand of your father's hair."

"So we need to find my dad? But I thought the Fates didn't want us to see any of the divines?"

"They didn't...but this is an emergency. I'll talk to them about it, maybe they can help. For now stay here, the wards Harry provides will be enough to keep the monsters away from this house. Unfortunately that means you can't leave Percy. I'm sorry."

Percy sighed, "no, no it's fine. Anyway about Harry, tell me, who exactly is this guy?"

"Huh? Why? What brought this on?"

"Well I had the pleasure of meeting his cousin today," Percy growled at the memory of Dudley, "he called Harry a freak. Figured the guy was probably freaked out by Harry's magic or something."

"Well you's a long story."

"We have nothing but time."

"Well….I supposed we do. Well then to tell the story of Harry Potter I'm going to have to first tell you about a man named Tom Riddle."

That night Percy learnt all about the blood war and who Voldemort was. The man sounded like a fucked up version of Kronos, expect Voldemort sounded even more evil, if that was even possible.

Percy grew to respect the Potter kid, growing up alone would be hard on anyone. And him being called the saviour of the wizarding world struck a familiar chord with him, after all Percy was called the saviour of Olympus.

The next day Percy found himself sitting alone at home. He twirled his wand between his fingers as he brushed up on his notes on the various spells he had learnt over the past two months.

Percy's skills in potions had only improved in time. According to Hecate he was at least a beginner NEWT level, whatever that meant.

Whenever he could Percy would have these little side projects making whatever potion that interested him.

He made a couple of basic antidote potions, a Baroffio Brain Elixir which improved one's brain power.

A grand pepperup potion, and the most complex potion he had made to date, an invisibility potion. And many more that he makes on a whim. Percy kept all of them and more inside a locked strong box, just in case he needed them.