Chapter 31 :Realised!

Astrology was also going well as Percy had quickly found a liking to star gazing. He wasn't a prodigy or anything like that, he didn't really take to the subject.

But he knew enough to pass his exams and liked to look at the stars, apparently for Hecate that was enough.

Percy had also become OWL ready in the various other fields of magic. Transfiguration was a snap, he was able to do it easily once he realised he had to visualise what he wanted the object to turn into. Percy was actually quite good at it.

The demigod remember how his training started. Hecate had given him a slab of wood and told him to turn it into a sword.

Percy had tried over and over again, he begged to start with something simple first, but the goddess refused saying that needed to struggle first and that his magic could handle it.

It took him so long, but finally it hit him. He said the spell and waved the wand, but he never really imagined what the sword should look like.

And so with a clear image in mind he tried the spell out again, and this time the wooden slab turned into a steel version of Riptide.

Soon the trials became more and more ridiculous. He transformed elements, turned animals into objects and vice-versa.

There was even a time when Hecate made him transform his own feet, though he botched it up and the goddess was forced to help him turn him back to normal.

But eventually he became good at it and Hecate allowed him to start reading up on becoming an animagus, she told him it would be a great thing if he could learn to do it before his OWLs.

But unfortunately he didn't really make much progress there, the subject was still too hard for him, though he was making progress.

Charms was not Percy's favorite subject, he had a problem at first in making the charms stick to the objects he applied it too. It was similar to him learning the levitation charm, he just needed to focus and push his magic out without doubt.

Hecate trained him by making him charm all the appliance in the house. She broke everything down, and made Percy fix it all using magic.

Once when he was taking a dump he realised that the flush was broken. He tried to charm the water to flush down, but failed. Luckily by then Percy had learnt the vanishing spell and simply sent the feces away or else he was going to have a very bad time.

Percy had to charm the pipes together, make the roof stop breaking apart and even stop a pumpkin from chasing him and barking it's insides all over his face.

No, it literally grew legs and started chasing Percy. Hecate has a sick sense of humor.

And then came care of magical creatures. Percy had read up on all the theory easily, it was similar to his categorizing his potions ingredient. And when he was done with a particular creature Hecate would take him to meet them.

She took him to ranch to meet a gnarl, the woods to find unicorns and even to a lake to show him the various underwater magical creatures.

Percy had obviously took to the underwater creatures quickly, learning about them was easy in his book, maybe because he was a demigod of the sea. Either way Percy had gotten a lot of experience to magical creatures because of this.

He remembered one time when Hecate brought him towards a herd of unicorns and told him to touch them.

"But Hecate I can't. I'm a boy, don't unicorns prefer virgins girls?"

Hecate shock her head, "well you see your father is the lord of all horses, and unicorns are considered horses. So you are their prince in a way. I'm sure they wouldn't mind."

Percy turned to the unicorns and gulped, "if they ram their horns up my ass it's your fault."

He approached them carefully. The unicorns looked up and noticed him. At once they bowed, "lord Perseus."

Percy blinked in surprise. And just like that he became the first and probably last man to ever touch a unicorn's snot. It felt like heaven touching those creatures, so pure and full of joy. Percy could honestly say he had never felt like that before.

Percy had also taken up a new hobby, creating spells. He learnt upto OWL level for both Runes and Arithmancy and was exceedingly good at it. Using them as a bases Percy started creating spells left and right.

He would calculate the wand movements needed using arithmetic formulas and then reverse engineer runes to words to find out what he would need to say.

Percy was proud to state that he had a 89% success rate at this point, the only spell that he failed to create was one that would conjure a large pepperoni pizza. Apparently it went against one of the laws of magic or something.

This hobby became useful later when he started to learn about 'Defence Against the Dark Arts'. He learnt and dissected spells, learning everything there was to know about them.

What made a spell work, how did they target an opponent, and most importantly, how to make them better.

Percy took to DADA as well as he took to potions. He broke down and created new spells practically overnight. And while he did become good enough to take his OWLs he didn't stop there.

He learnt everything he could, and eventually Hecate left him to his own devises content that he could take care of himself.

Herbology was a relatively easy subject for him. Since it mainly dealt with harvesting potion ingredients and Percy had already learnt about all of them already it was more of a brush up than anything else.

He just had to learn how to get the ingredient, he already knew about the plants magical properties.

And then there was history of magic, it was fully theory. Percy didn't have to do much, just read a couple of book, the blood band helped him remember everything he learnt allowing him to become OWL ready in a week's time.