Chapter 32:Knock Knock!

Percy shut his notes and put it too the side. He sighed, 'I can't believe I did so much in so little time. Damn, if only Annabeth could see me now,'

Knock knock!

Percy raised an eyebrow, 'we have a visitor?...but we never have visitors.' Percy walked up to the window.

He pushed the shades to the side and saw a thin woman with the neck of a swan glaring at his door.

'What new hell is this?' Percy groaned. She was trouble, obviously, and Percy didn't really want to deal with her right now.

He went back to his seat and ignored her until she knocked again.

Knock knock!

This time it was louder. Percy groaned. He took out his wand and flicked it sending a silencing spell at the door.

Percy smiled as the constant knocking stopped, 'Gods I love magic.'

After that unwanted intrusion left Percy quickly went back to studying. He still had a lot to do, mostly just revising what he had already covered and then covering what he didn't.

He was sure he would pass in his charms and transfiguration, but rather not risk it. He didn't want to be stuck with a bunch of 15 year old just because he couldn't make an egg dance.

That night Hecate came back and sat down with Percy. She pulled out two long boxes that looked like they were meant for wands, but when she opened it Percy found two strands of hair.

"So you got it?" Percy asked as he saw what he assumed was his father's hair.

"Yes, I did," Hecate nodded, "I talked to the Fates' and they talked to Poseidon. He gladly gave his hair when they told him it was to help save the world."

"You told him it was to save the world?"

"Well it is in a way. You are his son, and Poseidon is known to be very protective of his kids, even if they are assholes. So to him protecting you is just the same as saving the world."

Percy shrugged, he could understand her logic. "Okay, so we need one strand for blocking my scent, but what about the other?"

"That one is for your wand," Hecate said grinning.

"I'm sorry what?!"

"Your wand Percy," Hecate snapped her fingers summoning it.

"Stop right there goddess," Percy snatched his wand back, "what exactly are you planning to do with my wand?"

"I'm planning on fusing your father's hair into your phoenix core," Hecate explained.

"What? Why? My wand is perfect as it is!"

"Exactly, it's perfect as it is, but it can become better. Right now you are channeling just your mortal magic, by adding the hair of a God, your father, we can make it one of the most powerful wands in existence."

"But what if someone finds out?! Wizards can detect the core of a wand you know!"

"I know, that's why I'll hide it from them. This way no mortal will ever be able to tell that I added a little something more."


"-Oh stop being a baby!" Hecate snatched the wand back and took out a strand of Poseidon's hair. Percy sat on the edge of his seat as Hecate pushed the hair strand up against the stop of the wand.

For a second nothing happened, but then the wand started to glow gold at the tip and the hair strand was sucked inside.

Hecate smiled giving the wand back to Percy, "there, no mess, no fuss."

"Really? Just like that?" Percy asked as he took the wand. Suddenly a wave of warmth filled him up yet again. This time Percy felt his very core react to the wand as he felt his divine side slowly reach out and bond with the wand.

Percy stammered, "woah."

"Indeed. Now you should be able to channel more magic into your wand. Also, I got you this," Hecate brought out a blue book covered with sea shells, "the guy at the Twilight book store came through. With that new wand of yours you should be able to learn Atlantean water magic!"

Percy grinned, "damn! This is awesome! Thanks Hecate!"

"No problem kid. Now, come on, we need to create a protection ward for your scent."

"A protection ward? I thought we were going to use a spell?"

"Not quite," Hecate and Percy walked to the living room and Percy pushed back all the furniture and books to the side clearing up the room for them.

"I want you to create these runes for me," Hecate passed Percy a list as she summoned a piece of chalk and began drawing a giant circle on the floor.

Percy went to work immediately craving said runes into rocks in a few minutes. He handed the runes back to Hecate who arranged them on the complex ward scheme she had drawn.

There was a twelve point star with the symbol of the great three, Zeus, Poseidon and Hades written near the center.

"Can you guess what this is for?" Hecate asked.

Percy looked at the runes and forced, "it looks like an enchanting ritual. Except you aren't using the normal runes or symbols. From what I can gather you are….you're trying to create something that can block out magic. Or in this case a very specific type of magic."

"Excellent Percy," Hecate tossed him a book, "here, look up the ritual in the bookmarked page. I think you might like this."

Percy read the ritual up and nodded, "I see.. Why haven't you taught me all this?"

"I was more focused on getting you to pass your OWLs first before anything else. Don't worry, after your exams I'll teach you whatever you want to know. Ritual magic, becoming an animagus, battle magic, anything. But for now, focus."

Percy nodded, "right. Okay according to the book we need an object for a focus. Do you have one?"

"Yup," Hecate pulled out a necklace of a green trident, "a gift from Atlantis." she then took out the remaining strand of Poseidon and wrapped it around the green trident before placing it in the center of the circle.