Chapter 35 :Custodian...!

Thursday was DADA, and Percy was really nervous. He did well with the written part, better than he did in charms, but then came the practical exam.

Percy wasn't untrained, far from it, but most often the magic he did for defence was all his own creation. He found them easier to do than the standard spells, and he was dreading the practical exam.

Once more Percy walked into the hall after lunch and found two examiners waiting for him. They introduced themselves as George and Alice Banners, married, and asked Percy to perform a basic shielding charm.

Percy gulped, he readied his wand and performed the spell non-verbally creating a bright blue magical shield in front of himself.

Alice raised an eyebrow, "excuse me Mr. Jackson, but I don't recognize the wand motions you used. What spell did you use?"

Percy gulped, "ah, well honestly I'm not that good with normal defense spells. So I kind of recreated them for myself."

"You created your own spells?" George asked impressed, "could you show us again?"

Percy nodded as he slashed his wand down twisting it as he did, "custodian!" A blue shield appeared in front of Percy once more and the two examiners went to work analysing it.

"Amazing," Alice said as she observed the shield, "twice as big and at least 3 times more powerful. You have a talent Mr. Jackson. Tell us, do you have some more of these custom made spells?"

Percy nodded and quickly began displaying everything he could do. At the end of the exam Percy walked out of the room with a smile, if that didn't get him an O nothing will.

And the last exam of the week was on friday, which was ancient runes. The theory part was a joke to say the least.

Just for kicks Percy went on a rant for each and every question not only answering the said question, but also lecturing on how he was right.

It was arrogant, but something told Percy that wizards would like such a display of knowledge.

The practical exam was also easy. Percy was asked to create a set of basic runes within a set time frame. He was even given a ministry regulated rune carving set to ensure he wouldn't cheat, not that he had too for something like this.

Percy had simply taken the imber knife and started to carve. The examiners looked on curiously and when Percy revealed the completed runes their jaws dropped.

He had created a near perfect rune without sketching it out first. Judging by the way their jaws dropped they were very impressed.

Percy then began to show off as he carved more and more complex runes much to the examiners awe. He again walked out of there with a smile on his face.

That week end Percy spent revising on Care of magical creatures and history of magic. They were his weakest subjects. Hecate also made him revise Astrology, but he honestly couldn't be bothered, it was too much work for too little a reward.

The Monday of the second week of examination had Percy's favorite subject, potions. The theory part had been so easy wearing the blood band was kind of an over kill.

But he didn't care, he continued to run circles around the exam, writing in detail to every question asked. It was like he was taunting the exam, and it could do nothing but sit there and take it. Ah, revenge was sweet.

The theory part of the exam was even more of a breeze as Percy simply had to finish the last few steps to create a polyjuice potion and also create a potion that made the drinker look five years younger.

Percy then requested to try and obtain extra points and proceed to make the examiners a strengthening potion. It may have been a tad too much, but Percy didn't care.

The exam on tuesday was care of magical creatures. The theory was hard, Percy was very grateful for the blood band now. He answered as best as he could and left the hall as quick as possible.

The practical side asked him to feed and clean out a Fire Card. Choose from a wide selection of food the diet they would give a sick Unicorn, and finally show how to properly train a pixie.

Percy was did very well for the unicorn food and also managed to deal with the fire crab without too much incident. But the pixie….that damn pixie.

It bite Percy's fingers again and again! It tried to tear his hails out! It was a good thing Percy had the curse of Achilles to help him or else he would be down ten fingers!

Percy walked out of the hall defeated, hopefully his piss poor performance with the pixie won't dock him too much points.

Wednesday was Astrology and was a little bit different. After the theory exam in the morning, which Percy did decently, they were asked to return only at night.

At around midnight the practical exam started and Percy had to use a telescope up on the roof a random muggle building to map out a black star chart using the exact coordinates of the stars.

Thursday was a holiday, thank god. In reality that day featured divination, but since that was a subject Percy didn't opt for he didn't have that exam.

Friday was Arithmancy. The theory was filled with various sums and questions based on the laws of magic itself. And then came the practical exam, they had created a new spell…..needless to say Percy didn't have any problem with said exam.

He might have even just set a record for the amount of times he unhinged the examiner's jaw.

During the week end Percy did nothing but revise up on History of Magic over and over again. It got to a point where Hecate had to intervene and ask Percy to stop studying. He didn't listen, but that's not the point.

The last exam was on Monday, Percy entered the hall nervously and when he got the paper he was afraid to look. But he did look, and he did write. And he didn't know how he did it, but he finished the exam quicker than anyone else there.

He knew he got enough rights to actually pass the subject, and that was enough for him. History didn't have a practical side to it, so the moment he walked out of that hall he was done, he had finished his OWLs.