Chapter 36 :" Bye"...!

Percy leaned into his chair and groaned, "it's over. It's finally over."

Hecate chuckled as she sat down next to him giving him two cups of hot tea, "congratulations Percy, you have successfully completed your OWLs. How do you feel?"

"Like shit," Percy grumbled as he sipped his tea, "I never thought I would actually enjoy drinking this stuff."

"Yes you Americans do enjoy your coffee don't you?"

Percy grumbled, "yeah. I'm just glad they're over now, I feel so exhausted!"

"Yes well that's normal. Anyway your results will be out sometime around August, so until then you won't have to deal with this. We should celebrate!"

"No!" Percy shot up, "I still haven't forgotten the last time we celebrated something Hecate!"

"Oh come on! That was ages ago," Hecate waved him away.

"You turned me into a bunny!"

"You still hung up on that?"

"A pink fluffy bunny! And then you slept on a bed of sunflowers choke holding me into unconsciousness! No partying!"

"Fine," Hecate grumbled, "Wuss."

"Yeah, yeah. what now?"

"Now?" Hecate raised an eyebrow, "well now you can do anything you want. You have, what? Two months before Hogwarts starts? You can do whatever you want."

Percy nodded as he looked around. This house has been his home since February, and yet he still hadn't made it feel like home. With his first step into joining the wizarding world complete the idea of him being forced to wait 15 years till he can rejoin his family and friends started to seem more and more real to Percy. And if that was the case, he probably needed a proper place to call him.

"I think it's time I start moving in," Percy grumbled looking at the house. "Maybe fill this place up with furniture, get a few more clothes."

"About time," Hecate chuckled, "honestly, it feels like I'm living in a dump!"

Percy rolled his eyes as he drank his tea in silence. When they were done Percy waved his wand over the cups cleaning them well with a scourgify charm before charming them to travel to the kitchen.

"You are getting better at this," Hecate nodded in approval, "soon magic will be like second nature to you."

"Thanks Hecate," Percy groaned as he stretched his neck, "now if you'll excuse me I need to go sleep until for the next week and a half." The goddess wished hims a good night and for the first time in three weeks Percy slept without worrying about studying for an exam.

The next day Percy woke up to find Hecate missing. She had however a left a note for him stuck on his door, it read 'gone shopping! Be back in two days!' It was an obvious lie, but Percy didn't really care, he didn't need to know everything about the goddess, she wasn't his girlfriend.

Percy walked down stairs and opened the kitchen cabinet. He found a box of cereal and quickly proceeded to pour himself a bowl. Percy then stared at the bowl of flakes, usually at this time of the day Hecate would conjure up a jug of milk for Percy. They still didn't have a fridge.

"Great, just great," Percy groaned as he grabbed his coat and walked out of his home. He locked the door behind him with magic and slipped his wand into his left sleeve, don't' want to lose that.

Percy turned to walk away and was suddenly confronted by a thin older woman with the neck of a swan standing by the sidewalk. Percy blinked, it was that lady who knocked on his door a few days ago, "ah, can I help you?"

The lady glared as she gave him an ugly froan, "I hope so young man! You broke my Dudleykin's arm the other day! How dare you! Are you parents home? I would like a word with them!"

Percy sighed and rubbed his temples, "look lady, I don't know what you heard, but it's a lie. I didn't hurt Dudley, I didn't even touch him."

"Then why did his friends come to me and tell me otherwise?!"

"I don't' know, because they hate my guts? Look I don't have time for this, I'm hungry and there s a bowl of cereal in there that doesn't have milk, so if I can just get by," Percy said as he tried, and failed to get passed the thin woman. Percy sighed, "Gods help me."

"My boy is nothing but kind and sweet, it's bullies like you that make it harder for good honest people like us!"

Percy snorted, "right, good, honest, Dudley, good one. And here I thought you didn't have a sense of humor."

"Why I never! Where are you parents young man? Didn't they teach you manners?!"

"Look my parents are here right now okay? So can you please just leave? My aunt will be along in a few days, if you want you can speak to here and bite her head off, okay?"

"How dare you talk to me like that?! I am an adult, treat me with the respect I deserve or I will put you over my knee and-"

"-bye!" Percy cried out as he suddenly jumped over the woman and began to run away.

"Come back here boy!" the woman cried back as she growled at his retreating form, "I expect to see you aunt as soon as she comes back!"

Percy rolled his eyes, 'yeah sure, that'll happen.'

Percy walked to the nearest convenience store and bought a jug of milk. He also bought some pre made meals, if Hecate wasn't going to be here for some time and the crazy lady was going to continue to stalk him everywhere he went the it would be best to store up on food.

Percy made his way back home without any incident, meaning no crazy middle aged women were waiting to ambush him, and had himself that glorious bowl of cereal.

Once done he sat down at his table in the living room and looked over all the books he had so far. More than half of them were now finished with, Percy could use them later for revision down the road but for now they were going into storage. Once he got a place to store things that is.