Chapter 37 : Looked!

Percy then looked over all the things he set aside to learn later. Animagus transformation, battle magic, atlantean water magic and the book Hecate gave him about rituals, all useful and all worth studying.

But of course Percy had already decided on what to learn first, the animagus transformation. After all who didn't want to become an animal? Percy took the book and began looking through it carefully.

According to the book the process was not all that complex, at least not to him. It was however a pain in the freaking ass.

The first ever recorded animagus was greek, which was just another point for Percy's chance of success. His name was Flaco Aesalon and he could turn into a falcon.

Part of the process by which one becomes an Animagus is holding the leaf of a mandrake in their mouth for an entire month, using the leaf for the creation of a potion, and reciting an incantation, Amato Animo Animato Animagus, on a daily basis.

Percy wanted to try it ut the moment he heard of it, but obviously because of the OWLs he couldn't give it the attention it deserved. But now he could.

Percy quickly rummaged through his potion ingredients but found no mandrake leaves. Percy grumbled, 'great, how am I supposed to do this now?' Percy would have us lay just had Hecate appreciate him to Diagon alley to get the supplies he needed, but of course the goddess was gone.

'Well I could just go myself, but how? I don't have a broom of a floo connection in the house. And I'm not stupid enough to try and apprate by myself. Hm...well I could just try and get to London through mortal means, but that could take forever.' Percy sighed, 'well it's not like I have anything else to do.'

Percy soon walked out his home and made his way towards the Surrey train station. It was a long trip but Percy managed to get to the right station a few blocks away from the Leaky Cauldron. Percy found he didn't actually mind the slower form of transportation, it gave him a chance to simply look and appreciate the world around him.

He quickly walked to the cauldron and entered the wizarding pub. The people inside stared at him once more with disgust, and this time Percy knew it was because of his 'muggle' clothes. He gave Tom a hello and quickly entered Diagon Alley.

Percy smiled, the alley was just as active as before. The people were all over the place buying up whatever they needed. Percy smiled as he took his time looking around the place. Before he and Hecate were on a schedule, but now Percy had nothing but time on his hands.

He spent a lot of time window shopping, he looked at broom store, he still didn't understand the wizarding logic of making a boom the object to fly on. Percy didn't like the broom, not his style, while he did like flying, he wasn't a fan of the act. He was far too scared of Zeus zapping him out of the sky.

Percy then looked at Flourish and Blotts, a common book store that had a few interesting reads. Percy bought a book that caught his eyes, 'Greek Gods and their magic,' probably full of shit, but it was worth a read.

The demigod then walked around until he came upon the apothecary for the alley. He walked in and promptly bought himself a hand full of mandrake leaves, just incase one didn't do the trick.

He also bought a few more ingredients for potions he was interested in trying out. Now that he actually knew what they were and knew what he wanted Percy found that he quite enjoyed shopping for potion ingredients.

Percy then put his purchases away in his mokeskin bag and made his way to the cauldron for lunch.

He ordered a meal from Tom and took a seat by the window looking. While he was waiting Percy looked around at the people around him, these witches and wizards had horrible fashion sense.

Percy then noticed a leftover newspaper on the table next to his. Seeing as no one else wanted it he took the paper and began to read.

The headline read 'Sirius Black Escapes Ministry's clutches once again!' apparently a dangerous serial killer and follower of Voldemort had tried to enter Hogwarts and kill Harry Potter. He was captured however and later kept as prisoner only for the man to escape once more.

Percy had read up more on Sirius Black and was surprised to find that the man had escaped Azka Bank. Percy had of course read all about that place and it's horrible guardians, the soul sucking dementors, and he was amazed anyone could ever escape that place, especially without a wand.

After his meal Percy quickly made his way back, but because the muggle way was so slow Percy had returned home only by nightfall.

As he walked down Privet drive towards his home he noticed that the number four car had just pulled in. Percy groaned as he watched Dudley get out along with his crazy bitch of a mom.

A giant whale of a man then got out of the driver's seat and began shouting at someone behind the car. Percy couldn't see who it was, but then the person moved towards the door and Percy got a clear view of them.

It was a boy around Dudley's age, he was thin as a wire with messy black hair and wore round glasses. However that was the least normal thing about him as he was carrying behind him an actual trunk with the crest for Hogwarts on it! And on that trunk was a cage with a snowy white owl!

Percy immediately figured out who this was, it was the only other wizard that he knew lived in this area, Harry Potter. The boy-who-lived. And apparently his uncle loved yelling at him.