Chapter 38 :Probably!

Percy chuckled, 'but then again if the man is anything like his wife and son he is probably yelling about something stupid.'

Harry then turned to close the door and for a moment their eyes meet. Percy couldn't help it, a smirk formed on his face as he saw the kid's surprised look. Harry then quickly closed the door, though not without peeping at Percy once again through the window.

The demigod chuckled, his first impression of the kid wasn't that bad. He seemed nice enough, but if he was anything like his cousin Percy was probably going to have to avoid him as well.

The demigod reached him and had a quick dinner of pre made meals. It was very late already so Percy decided to put off beginning the animagus process until tomorrow. So Percy took out the book he bought about greek gods and began to read it well into the night.

The next day Percy woke up and quickly got to work. He finished breakfast and sat down with the animagus book and the mandrake leaves he bought the other day. He looked up the instructions carefully, he didn't wish to make a single mistake.

Percy took the leaf and noted the time. He pressed the leaf on the roof of his mouth, it was extremely salty, but no one ever said doing something amazing was easy.

Percy then casted a powerful sticking charm and kept it in place. Percy licked it a couple of times but the leaf refused to move out of place. Percy would have to get used to the bitter taste though, hopefully by the end of the month he would have learnt to ignore it.

Percy then cleared his throat, noted the time and recited the spell, "Amato Animo Animato Animagus!"

Red sparks shot from his wand into his leaf inside his mouth. Percy grinned, needed to do this everyday at exactly the right time, which was 10:01 am. Perfect.

With that done Percy found himself bored out of his mind. He didn't want to study anything right now, he had just finished his OWLs.

And he most certainly didn't want to sleep around doing nothing, if Hecate found out, Percy shivered, he didn't want to think what she would do to him.

Percy groaned as he looked at the time, he couldn't go out to see a movie yet, those didn't start till around 4 in the afternoon. So for now he was stuck here bored out of his mind.

'Wait….I have bloody magic! There's a whole mountain of things I can now try out!' Percy grinned, he never actually tried out magic for fun, it was always in the name of studying or training! But now he could do whatever he put his mind too!

Percy then opened his notes and randomly looked through them all. He grinned ash he drew his wand, 'you know, I always hated the wallpapers in this room. Let's change it a little.'

Percy cast colouring charm after colouring charm turning the walls of the house shades of different colour of the sea.

Green, blue, dark blue, sea green and even a little sliver on the top. In the end Percy ended up making the entire walls look like the inside of a sea wave.

Percy stepped back and smiled, "damn, maybe I should become an artist."

Percy then looked around for other things he didn't like. He put a permanent drying charm in the bathroom, he hated using a wet toilet, it was the one place in the world where Percy believed that less water was better.

He transformed the window grills, they were in the form of flowers. He instead transformed them into tridents, because you know, child of Poseidon and all that. He then also charmed the windows to become unbreakable. Damn magic was cool.

The stairs were also very creaky, so he fixed that. Percy then decided that the house was too messy so he quickly started to clean every inch of the house thanks to liberal use of the scourgify charm.

And then Percy began to arrange all his books and other magical items. He wasn't very good at conjuration, so instead he transfigured the walls in broom closet under the stairs into shelves storing all his magical books and items inside. He then locked the closet with an extremely overpowered locking charm.

He then conjured a couch for the living room, which came out half formed because that was a NEWT level spell. But in the end Percy still had half a couch, so he simply transfigured it a little and turned it into a big lounge chair.

Percy sat in his big lounge chair and sighed as his spine relaxed into the foam. He looked around and grumbled, "I'm still bored!"

Percy groaned, there was only one thing left to do. Go outside.

Percy grumbled as he quickly changed into a shirt and hoodie strapping his wand to his left forearm. He grabbed a couple of pounds and walked outside.

Percy smiled and took a deep breath, all in all it was a good day, the sun was shining, the birds were chirping and….was that Harry Potter weeding his garden?

Across the street the young wizard with round glasses was on his knees weeding the garden. It was a surprising sight for Percy, he didn't ever remember a wizard doing anything similar to manual labour. Percy's curiosity had been peaked. And there was also nothing else to do, so…

Percy walked across the road and walked up to the boy who by now looked up from his working and noticed Percy walking up to him. Percy leaned on number four's fence and smiled, "hello there. Hell of a day isn't it?"

Harry looked confused, "ah, yes, I suppose it is."

Percy nodded, "right, anyway I just wanted drop in and say hi, I'm Percy Jackson, I just moved into number 7."

Harry got up and wiped his hand offering it to Percy, "Harry, Harry Potter. I live here with my aunt and uncle."

"Oh I know, believe me," Percy said shaking Harry's hand. "I've meet your cousin, Dudley, not the best first impression, or last."