Chapter 40 : Idea!

Percy shrugged, "don't know, never went. I was home school up until now. Eventually I had to move here to UK for reasons and I decided I might as well start going to school you know?"

"Home schooled? Can you even do that with magic?"

"Yeah, you can. Provided you have a good teacher, which I do," Percy grinned as he quickly added ingredient after ingredient, while stirring the cauldron occasionally.

"What are you making?" Harry asked as he saw the potion start to bubble.

"I have no idea," Percy grinned as he added a bit of troll fat, "but I know what it can do."

"What? But how is that possible? I mean how can you create something you don't know, but know what it can do?"

"Well I started out with a particular potion effect in mind and I gathered the ingredients I would need to make it. So while I don't know if this potion already exists, I do know the effects of said potion."

"Can you even do that?" At Percy's questioning glance Harry continued, "just make up a potion I mean?"

"Well yes, quite easily took," Percy shrugged, "you see each ingredient has an effect and a classification on how reactive it is. I find the right combination in my mind, add in a little extra like clockwise or anti-clockwise rotation and boom, instant potion."

Harry gawked, "amazing! You must be some kind of potion genius!"

Percy chuckled, "well I am good at making them up."

"Amazing," Harry repeated as he looked at the potion Percy made, "so what does this do anyway?"

"Well you see this potion, if I'm correct, will make the drinker gain twice as much weight as before," Percy grinned, "I took the basis of a nutrition potion, which makes it easier for the drinker to absorb food, and added a little troll fat which made the potion absorb fat particularly over other vitamins."

Harry's eyebrows rose, "so anyone who drank this would become fat?"

"Yup! And I even added a bonus, a very strong laxative element that will cause all the absorbed fat to upset the stomach and force the drinker to...well, you know. This way they will grow fatter and poop more, an endless cycle of pain!" Percy chuckled evilly as he stirred the potion.

Harry shivered, "you're scary."

Percy laughed, "WAHAHAHA! I know!"

Harry looked at the potion, "so ah, why are you making this in the first place?"

"Well I figured since Dudley is such an asshole, we might as well make his asshole work out a bit."

"You made this for Dudley?!"

"Yup! The little shit had been bothering me for a bit, even told on my to his mom, so now she's bothering me. So I figured might as well get a little revenge, also after I heard how they treat you I figured you would want in on this as well."

Harry looked wearily between Percy and the potion. He gulped, "h-how long does it work?"

"Depends, how long do you want him to suffer?"

"A day?" Percy raised an eyebrow at this and Harry blushed, "okay fine...a week."

Percy grinned, "now you're talking," Percy grabbed a vial of green juice and poured it in causing the potion to suddenly stop boiling and settle down. Percy flicked his wand and the potion filled itself into several glass vials Percy had on hand. The demigod the vanished the rest of the potion while handing Harry a single vial, "think you can slip this into Dudley's lunch?"

"Yup," Harry grinned evilly as he shook the green potion, "I make all their food."

"Good," Percy grinned, "that little shit won't know what hit him! Oh, and if you have a camera you should take a photo!"

"No, I think if they see I had a camera on hand they would suspect me. Plus, I don't really have a camera."

"Hm, well either way good luck Harry, and tell me what happened, I'm basically stuck here until my aunt comes back, and I'm already bored out of my mind!"

Harry nodded, "I can understand that. Usually during summer I stay at the Dursley's and I don't have much to do. The chores keep me busy, but other than that I don't really do much."

Percy hummed, "well if you ever feel bored or something come and see me, maybe we can do something together. Plus you still have to tell me about Hogwarts."

Harry smiled and nodded, "alright, promise."

Percy grinned, "you know what Mr. Potter? I believe this might the start to a beautiful friendship."

Harry grinned back, "I think so too Mr. Jackson."


"So quidditch is really that fun?" Percy asked as he sipped from his cardboard cup of coffee. Percy and Harry were walking around town with two cups of coffee in hand. It had been a week since they meet, and this was the first time since then that Harry and Percy found time to hang out.

"Yup, it's the best. Plus you can fly, who doesn't want to fly?!" Harry asked.

"Hm, well then why did it have to be a broom?"

"What's wrong with a broom?"

"Well I's a broom! Why a broom? Didn't they have anything else? Like maybe a carpet? Flying carpets are real right?"

"Well yes, but they are illegal."

"Really? Why?"

"Oh something about them falling over the edge, really complicated," Harry waved it away.

"Alright fine, no carpet, how about a skateboard?"

"A skateboard? Are you mad?"

"Well it's better than a broom! I mean come on! One of these days you just know you are accidentally going to grab the wrong broom to clean the floors with and the next thing you know you would have just used an expensive piece of wood to clean your floors!"

"Well you do know that it's really difficult to confuse a normal broom for a magical one right?"

"Hey, I'm just saying, it can happen."

"Right," Harry rolled his eyes.

"Don't you roll your eyes at me Potter, you know I have a point! A charmed skateboard in a hundred times more sensible than a broom!" Percy blinked, "and you know what, I'll prove it you!"

"What? Are you going to charm a skateboard?" Harry chuckled.


"Ah, I thought you were terrible at charms?"